How much money do these people make? Is it more than my 9-5 skilled tech worker desk job?
How much money do these people make? Is it more than my 9-5 skilled tech worker desk job?
This article really needs a lot more tips and specific examples.
He also could've been flying with a different airline and thought he could still use the United Club. Which, really, kind of seems like a basic mistake to make.
You won't regret it one bit. I did the same as the poster above and had to teach friends in college how to do laundry, how to cook eggs, how to clean a bathtub. You should show your kids how to perfectly fold a fitted sheet. My friends thought I was magic because I could do it so easily.
Yes, it is crazy. And just wait until those people are in their 20s and out on their own. They are not fun to have as roommates. Not fun at all.
Why didn't she teach her kids to do their own laundry and cook their own meals while they were living at home as high schoolers? Who did she think was going to teach them to do that once they moved out? People don't magically pick up skills without being taught.
Jessica Simpson's line is sold at Macy's with no exclusivity. She has shoes and sunglasses that are much cheaper than many of the other things sold in the same department. Jessica Alba's company is focused on products that are sustainable and good for the environment. Jennifer Lopez's clothing line is sold at Kohl's…
My mother always told me to tip only in cash. She was very adamant about it since I was a child. Both of my parents really stressed tipping to me as a child, despite both of them never working in a tipped job.
I don't understand this. First, there is absolutely nothing wrong with working in a retail store. But, how can you try to out-money someone who is selling the goods? It just doesn't make sense. Those people work in a store. Why are you trying to impress them with your money? They likely could not afford these items…
My name is Sherrod DeGrippo. I see people try to pronounce the first name and then fail and then try to pronounce the last name. Then they just look at me.
get your shoes. Then get a thick pair of men's cotton athletic socks. Put on the shoes and the socks. Get your hair dryer. Blow dry the shoes while wearing them. Hold the dryer about 4 inches from the shoe. Use warm or hot. Then walk around in them for 10 minutes until they cool down. This works on just about every…
I'm sorry she's going through this. It is so emotionally gut wrenching. I remember the doctor gasping when she came in the room and then calling in colleagues to consult with. My mother cried. It sucked.
Pregnancy prevention is an FDA requirement.
6 Months is a very long course of Accutane. It is smarter to do a shorter course and then do another course months later if it needed. I took 3 courses and it saved my life.
I am ugly, but I have a nice house. So I can see the appeal of shelfie over selfie.
There are a million free yoga videos on hulu. Start with that and see how you do!
Who in RHoNY do you think is mentally ill or barely functioning? Ramona? I think she is an alcoholic.
This has to be satire. That voice over guy is definitely joking. Right?
I'm sure he's on various drugs to keep him calm and reduce his pain. Ativan or Valium and anesthetic. Makes you a lot more comfortable just hanging loose. You get stabbed at school, I think you deserve a pass on the smirky selfie.