Sheriff Of American Douchetown

This is exactly what I’m saying. They are sacrificing physical controls and optimal UX for the sake of optimal manufacturing; the fewer pieces in the puzzle the better. I don’t think this is a good thing, at least not for the end consumer (though certainly Elon’s wallet)

I’d like to follow up with ‘Elon, STAHP! Go home you’re drunk

Most aircraft still have physical controls in this era of touchscreens (even with MFDs) because it’s easier to understand switch positions by feel/touch alone, leaving you free to focus your sight on the outside picture.

How many physical features need to be removed (touchscreen controls, instrument gauge, air vent knobs, steering wheel adjustment, side mirror adjustment, etc) before Tesla nerds accept the fact it’s all in the name of cheaper/faster/easier manufacturing; not in the name of whatever future Elon is peddling.

OK, as a Canadian, I think I can help with this.

I don’t know what everyone is talking about here. I can’t count the number of times that I leave Trader Joe’s and after I put my groceries in my Tesla and after I look through the windshield to see the the curb and the nicely landscaped bushes in front of my Tesla thought “Shit, do I put the car in reverse or drive

I like that the memo about leaks...was leaked.

My car arrived just the other day
Not one of the parts in the mid engine bay.
But there was Bedford six...and an overfilled tray.
Owner’s best intentions spiraled into dismay.

But do you also have sufficient cash to just buy someone else’s clean garage and put your name on it in 2023?

I see Apple is taking the same approach to building cars that I am to telling my wife I’ll organize the garage.

To be fair, not every light on the BMW’s dash is illuminated.

BMW in the Service Position

I figured it was this guy

Here’s the guy who put the stats together:

Sorry, 66% of Americans know how to drive a Stick? I drive a stick and 66% of the people don’t understand why there isn’t a D on my gearshift. 66% of those that are left don’t understand how you work 3 pedals at once.  I made the mistake of valet parking it once.   It took about an hour for them to find someone to

If you’re selling an Atom for twenty grand, I’m buying. just gave it hot hatchback of the year award, and the competition was quite stiff with cost not being a factor.

Sounds like a hot rodder’s dream.

im all for making vehicles simpler.

As a mechanical engineer, it never ceases to amaze me what we are able to engineer together. This is one of the most metal things I’ve ever seen.