
While it isn't always adrenaline, as other have pointed out, apparently it is true that immediately after severe burns the victim won't yet feel the damage due to a combination of shock and nerve damage. I worry that this might have been a suicide attempt?

You didn't get this?:
A good chunk of the movie is just him leering at Aaliyah from behind dark shades in the studio. However, the movie's portrayal of Aaliyah in this case borders on dangerous.

Also never heard of her music being referred to as cheasy. Which song or songs are you referring to? Just curious.

maybe because your white and she was never a crossover pop star ? Not trying to be mean or anything...just saying. She was a pretty big deal in my world.

I'm with you.

Also, in the third degree burns his nerves were destroyed.

Adrenaline wouldn't help that much. Having the nerve endings be cauterized by fire, on the other hand....

No. There are many, many ways to become undocumented in the United States. Even for those who cross the border, it is neither "easy" nor "free." First of all, the majority of current undocumented migrants did not enter without status. When visa holders overstay visas are then, from an administrative perspective, are

Have you never heard of getting a tourist visa and then not traveling back home?

1. "Allowed to come in illegally" is the most hilarious and ignorant oxymoron I've read recently. What do you think the entire purpose of immigration reform is, exactly?

Given the circumstances, what should they have done?

I fixed the typo, sorry about that.

"Bbbb-but her parents shouldn't have been in the country illegally to begin with. It's the parents fault if the kids are in foster care - they shouldn't have risked their children (while avoiding guerilla warfare, corruption, kidnapping and police brutality in their own country)"

I am South American. I am not only aware of where Colombia is, I am also aware of how to spell it.

Can you even read? Her parents are from COLOMBIA not Mexico. So no, they didn't come in through the border.

And the kids should go back the destitute country their parents are from so they won't be separated. Who cares if you will face poverty cause boot straps and die fixing your country.

"B-b-b-but you were successful! Everyone else in your situation who fails is just lazy! Bootstraps! 'Murica! Wharrbargghalhlghgldkfjahd;fjfk"

Also, really deep burns cause nerve damage to the point where they don't always hurt right away (like, not until they start healing).

The adrenaline from the excruciating pain of being that badly burned would temporarily make him not feel pain, I am thinking.

I know you are rarely wrong, Kat, but in this case, we have an incorrect spelling, due to a failure in communication. He was "delivert" from liking "menz". Those of us who grew up in similar churches know such deacons and choir directors very well, and proper terminology is important. We owe it to this man's