
Well if this gets rid of troll extraordinaire foolishpride, then well done Gawker, well done.

I vote suicide. Someone like this does not think they "deserve" jail.

That is the FIRST thing that came to mind when I saw that picture. Who is that MAN in the middle?

Cata I gotta ask, so do you have some kind of weird algorithm set up in if this, then that? How do you manage to jump on these stories

Well naturally that third eye opened. Shit.

…She is not terrible, so that should count for something…She does a whole lot of name dropping, which is kinda tacky.

I was able to convince my ob/gyn to put me to under for it. This required anesthesiologist but it was completely worth it. He happens to be a surgeon that does a lot of hysterectomies so getting an anesthesiologist was a relatively easy process for him. I am sure he had to do some creative medical coding to get this

Now I am West Indian, so you know my ass is really really 'scurry, but this shit (the first dead files) was so damn hokey, I spent the whole time rolling my eyes.

Condoms can be scary - they break. I worry more when using JUST a condom as protection from pregnancy. It has happened to me twice.

DAMN! You went THERE.

That is the very first thought I had. Who is all buds and chummy with a teen when you are 20+ years older? CREEP.

Thank you for solving a 35 year old mystery for me. My grandma used to (affectionately ? ) call me a red screech when I was a kid. Now I finally know what she was referring to.

I fucking googled it. You are right, don't fucking google it and definitely don't fucking read it.

Lets all start a "please don't" petition.

I used to go to the gym and this dude who used to be in my semi-private workout group and he would pass gas loudly with each sit up. It was almost like it was completely involuntary and he couldn't help it. I never understood that.

So, I have a question about this, does this mean you always wash your your clothes after each wear, I mean with all our secretions and such? I am really just curious.

Yes, THIS. Giving kids the confidence and autonomy to say NO to any kind of unwanted touching and that includes hugs/kisses/ being tickled, etc.

Yes. I had a uncle that used to "tickle" me but always in and around my groin area. Everyone would always go on and on about how I was his favorite hence always forced to hug him/ give him a kiss and tolerate his "playfulness" (aka sexual abuse). I didn't even view it as abuse until I was in my late 20's. In my head,

That is pretty bad. YIKES.

THIS wins.