I had to train myself to always listen to that voice/ that " gut feeling" I had called the gift of fear.
I had to train myself to always listen to that voice/ that " gut feeling" I had called the gift of fear.
Fair enough. In the genre of caricature and appropriation the clear winner is Iggy and the second runner up is Kreayshawn and I still think she is ever so slightly more talented than wack ass Iggy.
And yet, lots and lots of Grammys coming her way for this, and its pretty ridiculous, cringeworthy and laughable too. Jesus.
And that my friend is the problem, this right here [But Iggy just basically came in doing her best exaggerated black girl impression]. She turned her self into some kind of bizarre caricature. I have more respect for Kreyshawn (still mortified by the stage name choice) as a hip hop artist because she is semi-talented…
Hahaha - this is also my husband's argument which makes ZERO fucking sense. I have asked him repeatedly to point to one incident in American history in the last 50 years where this strategy actually worked. No examples have been provided yet.
YES PLEASE and don't forget yearly renewal of that "license".
+1 - Now, please dear god, please no trolls to ruin it for me.
Me too! That is actually my favorite part - that she sang in her English accent and not so hyped up insanely contrived urban american accent a la Iggy Azalea.
Wow, well that was awful. Glenn Beck is a huge tool. I was cringing during the entire video. Jesus fucking Christ dude, way to trivialize something as awful as rape.
I LOVE her shoe line.
I don't know Tyura, but if someone grabbed me forcefully on breast/genitals I would just react. I would have the same or maybe even more violent reaction if someone "bear hugged"me from behind even more so in a volatile crowd. I will say that watching the very grainey, hard to decipher video does seem like she just…
So lets put it in context. You are in a crowd, someone from behind grabs your penis/balls forcefully, what would you do? Do you turn around to see if you would indeed consent to the grabbing of your genitals? - Objective viewpoint-
So in that case in the face of imminent threat from being sexually assaulted do you have a right to defend yourself from what you think is sexual assault? Or should you ask intent first?
I think you are missing the point. Regardless of intent if someone grabs your penis/balls/breast/vagina without consent it does equal sexual assault.
You do bring up a very valid point here. For the record I do leave the standard $2-3 a day for the housekeeping staff when I stay at a hotel but that is nowhere close to 20% of the total cost of the hotel stay. Thanks for bringing a viewpoint that I haven't given much thought to before.
Ari that might be true of the diseases you listed above because of the lack of tangible physical manifestation of the disease in its early stages but that is RARELY the case for endo. Like I said, you would have to be a complete incompetent idiot to not be able to difinitively diagnose endo. You can actually SEE it…
EXACTLY. This disease has very specific and observable symptoms.
I think I would probably be hysterical with laughter if I went to a doctor (in the last 20 years) and he couldn't diagnose endometriosis. I would have a hard time not laughing my way right out the front door. Endometriosis is something you can actually SEE. Jesus, what a fucking idiot.
Ari, you stuck GERD on that list too??!! Really?! What moron can't diagnose GERD? Endometriosis is pretty simple to diagnose unless you are not even trying or a giant asshole. I will say as a long time sufferer of endo, I did go through my own rounds of "Have you been raped before" due to the intense pain I…