Yes I agree, they look like warts and they are sometimes treated in the same exact way that warts are treated.
Yes I agree, they look like warts and they are sometimes treated in the same exact way that warts are treated.
Oh is that all you were saying? Whew, Silly me! I thought you were taking away my right to judge. Sheesh, dont scare me like that again! Thank god I have retained that right to judge and to be non-productive with my judging. I like to put judging and accountability in the same basket.
What? I dont even know what your point is.
Demonizing? who said anything about that? I reiterate, I DO have a right to judge someone if their bigotry affects me personally. I dont know how its possible to have hate (your words, hate) for an ideology and not have it affect anyone personally??? Sounds impossible, but what do I know.
I am definitely appreciating her beauty in this pic, but barefaced and natural it is not- and yes, I was perplexed by her eyes, glad you pointed out the contacts. Looks way better though, the nude colors/makeup she is rocking as natural.
Dont tell me, you are from the turn the other cheek crowd, the "always forgive no matter how abhorrent the act was" crowd too huh? Yes, people like you make me chuckle because it is painfully obvious that you have never been directly impacted (tangibly) by someone's "judgment" or bigoted views. As always, which is…
No, I am not saying its not good enough, I am saying to you, that if this person's bigoted views directly impact me, I HAVE every reason and right to judge them as THEY are judging me without reason. Get it?
Yes I agree with support and encourage but I dont with the judging part. If someone's xenophobia, homophobia, racist, misogynistic or bigoted views AFFECT me, then yeah, I totally get to judge them. Abso-fucking-lutely.
This is and will always be - the inability to relate. People don't normally care about things until it starts to affect them personally. So although I would like to applaud him, I can't, because he ONLY starting caring when it started to affect him.
This should be the definition of Rachet: Khia. This song makes me laugh so fucking hard. Ever time I listen to it - GOLD! Good god.
I have been trying for some time to jump on the James Franco bandwagon, but I just can't, no matter how hard I try. I dont find him fascinating or talented in anyway, and I dont get Jezebel's obsession with him. Now Ryan Gosling? TOTALLY get it.
The situation has ended and Charlie Sheen - two things that should never ever be in a sentence together. Charlie Sheen is a violent egomaniac and he has been one for a long time. Again my mind is boggled at how much pass he gets for his behavior. What do you think would happen if Chris Brown did a commercial…
I should be asking you that question. Really, WHERE have you been?
What can I say - Fuck off?
HA! Me too. ME TOO! I have stopped trying to wrap my mind around it. Its just too exhausting. I mean, Mel Gibson is one scary mother.fucker. The end.
No I know that, again my point is to always be aware and not give criminals the opportunity. I am rarely scared just aware. The last time a "stranger" scared me was when my neighbor (someone I knew) happened to run out from behind some bushes as I was sticking my key into the lock to open my door. That scared the SHIT…
I am always so confused about these constant, repetitive posts on Jezebel about Mike Tyson and Chris Brown. I dont get it, Mike Tyson is playing a prisoner in this role, not a cop or a detective or a rape counselor. Almost like no one at Jezebel believes that Mike Tyson can be reformed but Mel Gibson and Charlie…
I never ever understood this. Women who consistently put themselves in compromising situations with a total stranger. I am suspicious of everyone that is a stranger, and especially the one acting like a creeper. Dude walking towards me in a dark parking lot - Yes, I stop what I am doing and turn to face you. The last…
Not cute, more like douchey. Why would you inconvenience hundreds/thousands of people for some bullshit like this? I was hoping someone stuck in that backup would have just lost it and just started running folks over on the bikes.