
First off: A nuh suh jamaican people talk.

That is what I was thinking - I would HATE it if someone did that for a whole hour. Geeebers!

I think I would be furious at someone who performed oral for a hour. I cant imagine, the pain, irritation, and chafing.

I really liked Shallow Hal and still watch it whenever it comes on, even for a few tiny minutes. I know why it should be offensive, but it tugs at my heart strings a tiny bit, even though its pretentious and somewhat offensive ooorrrrr maybe I just love Jason Alexander a lot.

I am so in love with him. Is it bad that I want to have sex with him soooooooo bad? Ok ok, its just a fantasy, since Michelle looks like she could totally kick my ass. Look at her arms.

That is what I was thinking - so gullible or not, your beloved is dying from cancer and you DONT go and see her, not even once? Really?

Really, everyone tells me having one is way worse than having two. Apparently, two have each other for entertainment, and one, doesn't, so YOU become their constant source of entertainment. I have two, but they are 17 years apart, so its like having one, all over again.

I never did really get all the hype that surrounds you Lena, but this comments sure sounds like you throwing some shade at the general populace of Detroit.

This will definitely change my view of Donald Glover. I have listened to one track from his rap album and I thought it was wack and nothing to write home about, but I wasnt paying attention to the lyrics. Thanks for the insight.

Its still amazing to me how many well trained gun enthusiast and folks with prior military training disagree with your point of view.

mmmmkay - if you say so, cowboy. Even the Navy Seals have a different opinion about accuracy UNDER fire than you. Now that is amazing. You should join the Navy Seals. But I guess those skeet targets and water bottles weren't shooting back at you, which I am sure made a difference.

He sounds like a miscreant louse that probably lives in his mothers basement.

I do love Azealia but that beat is SICK compared to the lyrics.

Thank you - I have said this a million times, the problem with shooting is (unless you are trained and practice constantly) you rarely ever hit what you intend to hit and WHERE you intend to hit the target - and for the naysayers I go to the gun range frequently, dont reply to me with any nonsense unless you also do

This was lovely. Thank you. Five pounds 'a money.

well lets hope that as awful as she is (she and 'CRAY joe) that they are both clinically insane. I am hoping one day to find out that Joe is batshit 'Cray, when I think of all the cruel policies that he has spearheaded to persecute any one brown.

Somewhere really really hot, it is sometimes referred to as Hades.

Yes, I had this condition with both children and I swear to you, (especially on the last one) I dont think I ever thought about "not living" as much as I did back then. I wouldnt call it thoughts of suicide, it was more of a, I really dont care if I die right now, I feel so sick, thtat I truly dont care.

Yes, this was pretty bad. Starts, pulls me in, tons over overused cliches (The only sister??) then ends abruptly. Almost like someone, put it in draft, with the intention to finish it later, but just never did. Never understood that.

I thought it was just profound and abject fear.