
Really? No way just some dumb ass kid got "just" a tattoo huh? Wow. I wonder what I should do with all those pictures of saints I have on my wall just because I liked the colors in the paintings and didnt care about the imagery or the "message". I wonder what visitors to my home think about me when they see those or

Right - He wouldnt be able to answer, just like all those idiotic 20 somethings with dumb ass tattoos they picked off a wall. I guess I dont see the OMG, its Rihanna angle that everyone is going with. Why cant it simply be, I am an idiot, just like all those dudes with tramp stamps (yes, guys too) and tattoos around

Pretty sure you can't really blame pot for many psychotic breaks..just saying. I hear PCP can be a mind fuck, so I never tried them. I did recently combine Lunesta with Xanax and had the worse trip I have ever had in my entire life. I can now see how some folks complain about the possible suicidal thoughts that they

Yup, I suffer enough when I try so hard to find even an iota of substance in her Vice columns and all I do is find her to be a talentless hack. Have you ever read the shit she writes on vice? I keep reading it hoping to find something, anything, and I always leave with the same thought, please just OD already.

If that statement is true, {A tattoo commemorating beating down your girlfriend is a trophy} Mel Gibson's body must be covered with tats.

You mean like all the folks who get tattoos of chinese characters?? Or ancient Egyptian imagery (How many eyes of rah have you seen on someone's back), come on, you are not seriously saying that you havent seen this before are you?

Yeah, I think this whole, its a tattoo of a beaten Rihianna is a bit of a stretch. Looks a bit like a lot of reaching to me. Seriously people, this bizarre obsession with Chris Brown is uncanny. Looks like what it is, some idiot kid, decided to be "original" copied some shit he saw, then tried to make this copied

This is what I was looking for - One in three people convicted of First Degree Sexual Assault are known to re-commit and go to prison. Not sure how this all relates back to the president and not large amounts of people in this country does or have used drugs in the past. Drug use should be decriminalized. If someone

Large amounts huh? Is what I came to say. Really? I never heard that he acknowledged consuming LARGE amounts of coke and cannabis - not sure why that tidbit was needed in a otherwise great perspective.

So let me get this straight, there are folks doing 50 year stretches for drug possession (3 strike law) and this dude gets to RAPE and Kill someone and he gets out? Wow. I am always baffled by our justice system. Why would anyone who rapes and kills someone ever see the light of day? I thought it was well established

This is the best response to such a dumb ass statement. perfect. thank you.

I agree. I get a huge "satire-ish" vibe from Kreayshawn, that I dont get from Kitty. I do like Kreayshawn but not for the same reasons I like Kitty. Kreayshawn fits into my Kesha talentless but just for fun basket, whereas Kitty is somewhat original and talented in its own sub genre. The one person who is utterly

Well, I am going to guess "REAL" gangsta's are too busy on that grind, to sleep 48 hours at a stretch. ITs not racist, this is just incredibly stupid.

I thought only wanna be gangsta white kids dressed and talked like that. "Negro" as you so coined, is not what I was thinking at all.

Come on, be honest, the thought has NEVER occurred to you, that this is a feminist publication, OR at the very least catering to that audience, never? Really?

meh..its less of body snarking and more, drugs are bad, mmmmkay...

Thats it - they DONT know. You wouldnt believe how many times this conversation has come up between me and mr tyrant, then I realize, this is a waste of my time. He doesnt know and never will. End.stop.

Can I use that line, please? {'re not Colonel Sanders are you? Do I get a bucket of chicken with your racism?} You get a WIN. 'Imma use it. Its perfect.

Another thing I hate seeing that word, "sassy" to describe any black characters, fictional or real. I was reading a piece on the sitcom the new normal, and I couldnt believe that Nene Leakes character was described as "sassy" - who still talks this way??

Yes. This. Just makes me shake my head. Never ceases to amaze me.