
I can relate. It does do something unexplainable to relationship dynamic - it is weird. I cant even explain it myself, but I have experienced this.

Wow. I didnt think people were insane enough to do that in public. What state did this happen in? How awful of an experience. A year ago I was standing in West Elm with a carpet in my hand (it was hanging from one of those rafter things from the ceiling) a woman with an EMPLOYEE stepped in front of me and started

A friend of mine had a true romance party in lieu of a birthday party after her husband died. Keep in mind her husband died 5 months earlier and it was insanely creepy to be taken into a private room to be brow beated into buying a sex toy for a still VERY much grieving widow. I still wonder if this was her idea or

yup. This is the "dick" part, I was referring to.

Yes me too. I really hate when men assume that just because I bleed like a stuck pig every month, I also have PMS. I have never actually had it. I am just a dick when other people are being dicks.

Think of all the people you will have sex with, even if you dont want to if the money is right, all the scenarios that possibly get really ugly once you are behind that closed door. No one to really turn to if and when things do get ugly because of how this type of lifestyle is viewed. The times true panic sets in

Well in this case you were hurt by deception, not by the profession.

See I was just coming here to say THIS exactly. It always makes me chuckle to read the "romanticized" version.

Yes I have been getting this "innovative idea" push for years. So if everyone wants to see me in my towel wrap or my bathrobe for 6 hours out of 8 hours of the day, then GREEEAATTTT.

This is pure GOLD. I had to read it several times, it was such a work of art. Thank you for this.

You WIN! This is the best response to this nonsense so far. I actually open my Nigerian emails and read them because they are so so very entertaining. Its like a night cap before bed.

He makes fun of the BIBLE??? WT effen FFFF?

Still love her but nothing beats the swagnificense of 212.

Exactly - you used the right word predatory. I wanted badly to breastfeed, but latching on was extremely difficult for my baby. Instead of giving me adequate breastfeeding support, the nurse "threatened" me with, well if he isnt latching properly, we are going to have to insert a tube down his nose to feed him and

No shit, sherlock? I cant believe this is "news".

Thank you. Here, here! No one cares about these kids when they are HERE, just when they are fetuses they are important.

Well, she does say, swiper no swiping, and in this case, no means no and swiper totally gets it.

IssaRae - I love your show. It is by far one of the most fresh, innovative, spirited shows (sitcoms) I have seen in a long time. I will be so mad if no one picks it up. I wish I had something intelligent to ask other than to gush about how much I LOVE you.

Sorry - wish I understood the point you were trying to make. If you were trying to say, being an unwanted child (?) allowed me the perspective to "do good"(? - you wrote no good) then that is my point, you wouldn't be in the position to know the pain of being an unwanted child, if you were wanted in the first place.

That would be awesome,it would be called the Heaux sit down clause aka STFU clause.