
I call bullshit. She has really thin hair and I suspect she added some extension pieces to the back, so no, still not her "real" hair. if you look back at some old RHOA you will see it in one of the episodes...Now I remember the one where she was dating a lesbian and she took a picture of them in bed.

Yeah and in interviews she keeps saying she will be back in some "capacity" - I call dibs on Tara coming back as a VAMPIRE...or a fairy, which would suck. I would love to see VAMP Tara!

First. Thank god I have never been obnoxious enough to ask someone why they are overweight (sorry, thats just too douchey) or feign concern about their obesity. Not even to my closest friends. That kind of behavior has never even occurred to me. I do not think being overweight contributes to all adverse health

She is so gorgeous! I also really love the bathing suit..wander if I can find one in my size...

She does have great hair!

I wonder where to take it?

I didn't really lose any weight at least not according to the scale. I was actually sorely disappointed by that at first, then I was like, oh but I feel so much better, so fuck weight loss. So a change in *health must have occurred. It can't be magic, because that wouldn't be logical reasoning, right?

So are you suggesting that being obese is not bad? How is it positive in any way to be obese? Any health benefits to it? I am not suggesting that being fat is a direct result of unhealthy behaviors. I actually don't think that is true at all. I do not think that all obesity comes from unhealthy eating habits or other

That used to be me. Every single day and night, every hour of the day. I also have EOE and a Hiatus hernia which I am sure didn't help things. I had to take two different types of PPI Rx's twice a day. When one stopped working they would just switch me to another kind. I will tell you, exercising made a HUGE

HAHA! Love the Uncle Ruckus comparison. That is awesome.

Exactly. I am not overweight but I was carrying 10 lbs extra than I used to. I started to feel sluggish, a lack of energy, insomnia, and my GERD symptoms increased by 500%. I was stuck on daily medication that I was told would be a lifetime commitment for me. I was browsing the internet and I came across a blog that

THANK you. We get it, fat shaming is bad, but obesity is also very bad.

Very funny yet slightly offensive. Something about this offends me.

I just looked it up -Thank you. I was thinking D'angelo is from the same hood as Eminem?Whew..that was close.

I have never heard of this. Do you have a source to share? This piece of information would surely change his image a bit in my mind.

Come on guys, its not horrible or anything. unimpressive, yes, but not like mind numbing awful or anything. I would have changed my name or something so no one knows its me on first glance.

Well she can simply stop talking about it. When the question is asked just refuse to discuss it. End of sensationalistic story.

Thats what I was thinking - HOW dare you take away mah rights to use that word? she seemed kinda pissed about it. So for that one reason alone, I have zero sympathy - thats for all the folks down thread who stated the "but she is uneducated" defense of her vile behavior.

Sorry - I haz laughs! All I could see and think about is the rocking chair, the toothlessness, the floral print mumu and the fact that she stated that she was a "christian" - isn't that what most racists say? The two most common phrases out of a racist's mouth - I am not a racist or anything and I am a christian.

I really wish we had minimum requirements for certain jobs like the rest of the working world. You know things like, college education, RELATED experience, you know, shit like that. - See Jan Brewer.