
I wish I knew more facts about the actual true percentage of folks in the south that owned slaves. Its interesting to read the comments on this site where some folks are saying only a few of the very rich had them and others are saying not so much, lots of people had slaves because it was inexpensive and they were

@Brigit- That is the only shock and amazement I go through is wondering HOW my great grandmother was treated and how she survived it intact. She was scottish and had 7 kids and they were all from black men in Jamaica in the 1900's. I will tell you as kids we would sit in our backyard and look up on the hill onto a

HA! You are awesome. That is exactly what I want to say to Paula Deen and ONLY because she is Paula Deen. #Heauxsitdown.

I am not even suggesting that it should be "bad" shock. I don't see what the feigned shock and surprise is all about - I am Jamaican and I wasn't even shocked to learn my scottish ancestors were slave owners. My reaction was, then I guess I knew who built this big ass wall around the property and I wonder HOW my

I am more shocked that any one would be shocked by that revelation. Why would she find that surprising is beyond me, seems santimonious. You are from the south, you are white, (generations) and that revelation surprises you. THAT. Huh?

Thanks for that track, Wavvy is the shit, I must admit it. Her style is REDIC. I won't call it original (style and lyrics) but its dope. Thank god, there was no auto tune on that track. It is way better without it.

Yes, my thoughts exactly, its almost like a exact duplication of Lil Wayne's style and lyrics, but the production is amazing! I gotta give her props for the production. I do hate all that auto tune, you don't really get to hear her style or lyrics because of all that damm auto tune.

I have super coarse hair mixed in with wavy hair (mixed) and I used to make the whole hair thing a big ordeal, then I decided not to. I rarely deep condition, and I just make sure I buy a great detangling shampoo, conditioner and detangling comb and thats it. I can even forgo the conditioner if I use a detangling

Guys with no upper lip ALWAYS freak me out. He sounds and looks like a douche. Perfect.

Exactly - You summed it up for me, the folks who wears weaves/extensions like its growing out of their own head and will just die if you suggest otherwise. She wears it loud and proud! Thanks for the feedback on her live performances. I hear that a lot. I would never pay to see her live so I was genuinely curious if

I just love the fact that she wears weaves/extensions unapologetically - sans the lace fronts which makes you look like a freak (see Nikki Minage)

...that cheetah is going to eat that puppeh!

I think the video is describing a rapist and not a homosexual. They are just doing it wrong. very wrong.

When I think of how miserable I was the first 3 weeks of breastfeeding I would have sold my soul for this type of service —— the difference this would have made. This is awesome.

i think this is the point that folks were getting to, there are other reasons why you are not having sex and not having access to free condoms is probably not one of the primary reasons.

Seconded. That has happened to me a lot in the past. So I almost instinctively mention the fact that I am black. I have sent back long thoughtful responses only to find out the person doesn't/won't date african americans. Which is so odd to me, how is it possible to be only attracted to one type of "race" and not be a

i will sell my soul if someone can make a gif of the godson (Kuwait?) saying "toenails, eww." I will save you the trouble, it happens at 32 seconds in the video.

@Eve-The-original-sinner: Yeah I was a tad bit wary of his "two years sober" statement and not because I am being snarky, but because I was thinking if I was homeless and jobless and a former alcohol/drug addict it would be insanely difficult for me to remain sober when my life is still shit and I am dealing with the

I am so ashamed that it never occured to me that vitamin water was a coke product. I totally fell for it even reveling in it's no sickly sweet aftertaste "because of less sugar and no HFCS" hype. .....definitely lookin like a fool with yo' pants on the ground. (you tube it)

Abandoned children, regardless of the reason, might be not so happy for his sudden fame and notoriety children. I see this wonderful kind man with a beautiful smile and they might see this thoughtless selfish jerk who abandoned them. This could explain why his mother was wary of his newfound luck and fame. All I kept