
This is some epic stream of bullshit. You wouldn’t believe, I spent considerable amount of time in those parts of the world, and can say - $5 is not rich anywhere. Too much “EuroTrip”? Anyway. A joke is a joke. It was a bad joke, in bad taste, but nothing deserving response he got. It was posted as a joke without

$5, much rich, very wow!

I think Pewdiepie is more responsible that fucking President of United States. He made a joke in bad taste and apologized for it. Trump offends millions of people based on multiple factors, and no one throws him from his job. Good job, America.

It wasn’t in good taste, he realized and apologized for it. More than US president does. More importantly, it was really taken out of context. Try watching video about where that joke took place.

I don’t have to listen to your blabber. Get deleted.

wow you’re dense. I just gave you a list of games on iPad, each of them are better than anything Nintendo ever produced. None of them is endless runner, of fish for purchases, but apparently you’re unable to perceive that. Mkay.

Sure, you compensate you arrogance & lack of reasoning skills by attacking my personality and lack of social skill. I’m glad I can remove your comment.

Sure, you compensate you arrogance & lack of reasoning skills by attacking my personality and lack of social skill. I’m glad I can remove your comment.

Sure: FTL, Legend of Grimlock, Hitman Go, Tomb Raider Go, Machinarium, Goblin Sword, XCOM: Enemy Within, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, Hoplite, GTA: San Andreas, Hopiko, Super Hexagon, Alone and many many more.

There are plenty of games for mobile which doesn’t exploit people, in contrast to 100% of crap Nintendo produces, imo.

It isn’t a tablet without browser, it’s crap. No “just”. Getting device to play single game indulging your nostalgia for Zelda is so Nintendo fanboyish. Whatever, I couldn’t care less about sheep.

Also, far from everything is recycled this days. There are plenty of people, even in video game industry making interesting experiments and innovative games. They just doesn’t work in corporations like Nintendo, which sole goal is to exploit customer base they got.

Really? There are hundreds of amazing iPad games. But they lack Nintendo brand on them, which makes shit smell like roses for some people.

From other hand, don’t bother. You’re lucky to like something which is better than not liking, as I do. Have fun with your game whenever it will come out.

Unless I missed something, you’re talking about new Zelda game which isn’t even out yet, so I’m not sure one can speak how innovative it is. May be “open world” is new for Nintendo, but as I told before, lag is about 20 years, so ye, it’s about time to catch up to ES games.
Can you explain why BOTW is an exception, and

but you’re soooo mature buying shit hardware to indulge your need to taste something new and familiar at the same time, cause there’s nothing like consume recycled child memories. You probably like Star Wars too, do ya?

BOTW? I don’t speak Nintendo. Is this another of you Marrio or Zelda? Sorry, not interested in nostalgia driven games.

they’re trying to be a tablet as well. Why would I chose tis over some tablet with android, or, better, iPad, which has full featured browser, book reader, many cool games. Nintendo just milking fanboys and girls with crap devices for last 20 years, who can’t get over obsession with crappy games they played in

Tablet without internet browser is trash, just sayin’.

So, what is exactly her pure genius present? Making video of herself for herself and posting it on her Facebook? Let the man play his game ffs.