
 Pretty much story of Visual Source Safe :(

LC is mid game hero. lvl 25 talents make her not absolute useless in late game. Valve did great job.

PA in gif had less than 1500 hp while Nyx has lvl 25. Look at other players health bars. She’s “Glass Cannon” pa, who deserves to be rekt.

So... It makes Nyx not totally worthless after lvl 20? Also, if PA can die from 2 of her own crits, may be she shouldn’t go all-in dmg, and get some durability?
It’s like complaining that blademail is unbalanced, lol.

I just won a game with +650 dmg LC. LC is very bad carry hero, not even this much dmg helps her.

All hail PC Master race. Ignore Nintendo

Does anyone really play competitive games to relax?

wtf? Switch is a tablet without browser? Lmao.

This isn’t what you see. You see washed out bad picture moving with your head ever so slightly. This is a render, not actual recording of one’s view.

trust me, it looks better in this renders than it is when you’re wearing one.

I tried it. It sucks.

As game engine developer, I really dislike Nintendo. It’s pretty much impossible to get anything through if you aren’t some giant company like Epic or Unity. Still need to enroll in expensive programs and get expensive equipment. Go to hell, Nintendo.

Wtf. Iconic map is gone. R.I.P. CS.

Why of all cybersports, so much attention to the lamest by far?

I’m sorry to inform that it takes education beyond stitching motor, button and a battery together to achieve that.

It’s just like she’s not real person, just a character in a video game!

It’s just like she’s not real person, just a character in a video game!

Kickstarter is an ugly abomination at this point. Started as land of equal opportunity, ended up as rich people building up on previous success...