It’s OK level of detail. Animation could use some work though. 7 out of 10 trailer.
It’s OK level of detail. Animation could use some work though. 7 out of 10 trailer.
I’d like to register another account to reply what would be better to in Blizzard HQ, but probably wouldn’t make such nice press. But no one cares anyway.
I know that. But read some Kotaku articles about Hideo Kojima. You’ll get impression that dude singlehandedly creates all “his” games.
I’m glad you referred to him as Director, not “The Creator” or some bullshit like that. He is only person on a team. Games are created by hundreds of people.
I don’t think you understand what “literally” means.
Particle effects? Yes. Give me more of those!
(Basically, game directed by Michael Bay, or something)
For Honor moments:
80% - jump from high place randomly get a kill
10% - push other player from a cliff
9% - win a brawl
1% - something actually interesting
Reading such stories, I realize how useless is “journalism”. Basically, billions of copies of video games are sold, but it is enough for one to get meth to get to the front page. Do we even need journalism anymore?
Last match comeback was amazingly spectacular. Great job, OG. I lost hope when it was like 2-16, but you did it!
10 people who’s best in the word in quickly (and in good timing) mashing buttons, quickly (and with good timing) mash buttons.
E-Sports as a career is super tough choice. It basically lasts for 10 years tops, usually 3-4. Thats it.
I’m not sure what Kinja did, but I don’t have videos showing in Chrome :(, just blanche space.
Issues that plague the game industry? Shit is great over here.
Wolf Children +1 to Satoshi Kon.
Hotline Miami? Hotline Miami.
As representative of silicone valley and sociopath, I agree. I don’t see users as workers. If they manage to make money from services provided, good for them.