Shawntez Phillips

I'd clap but I can't.

Left to my own devices I'd just go with 20 McChickens.

Free admission to Disneyland?! Shut up and take my résumé!!

Hey, there sexy are you seeing anyone?

Fortnite does look interesting, too bad there has been so little info about it. I hope it will come out this year.

"I'm pretty tired...think I'm gonna go home now."

Lightning Returns! GOTY!...what's that? Witcher 3 is out later this year? Alright...can they both be game of the year? No? Well...FUCK IT they will be to me. And piss off with anyone who says otherwise.

While this is obviously a step up, I don't know why Steam can't do pre-orders Amazon style, where it only subtracts the money the day the game is released.

Not if I can help it.

I hated that game.

Bethesda does the whole leveling along with you thing, it works ok I guess. Dark Souls handles 'weaker' enemies better, by simply having it so that every enemy is a threat and you're always on your toes, no matter what.

Random encounters rarely make an RPG more difficult, they just make them more tedious. If you're trudging back through a dungeon to get something you missed and the place is filled with low level enemies that keep popping up, the only thing these encounters do is make the process take much longer than it otherwise

I'd argue it's missing the point of ice cream (full stop), but okay.

Instructions too complicated; Dick caught in ceiling fan.

Technically if it was an asshole simulator it would force all your actions to be of an asshole nature.

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Save Your Progress: saving is a godsend in video games...but is it something we could do in real life? Specifically, could we save our memories? Here's Vsauce3's crack at exploring this interesting question in relation to video games.

Dragon Quest VIII

I remember enjoying this game as well, quite a bit of replay value. The last boss was a bit difficult and I remember cursing quite a bit

Yeah, using the gamepad as a handheld scanner in a similar vein to ZombiU and for interfacing with computers and the like, the Wii U would be a great choice because that second screen functionality comes as standard.

Ack. You spelled "Most Anticipated" wrong, Brian!