Shawntez Phillips

heh. She was posing with the consoles to promote them. Happens for a few minutes.

I think the only thing really noteworthy in the first episode of Super Sonico was the unexpected advertisement for the Wii U and 3DS.

This is why we can't have nice things.

Japanese gods seem to be cool.

I honestly don't think that anyone believed anything else would win.

My two year old daughters love dinosaurs. I have a pretty realistic "scary" looking t rex that, when they were one, I would put in front of things that I didn't want them to get into, but they quickly became fond of it and my plan was foiled.

Arnie agrees.

I really wish I could be one of those cool kids who can design huge worlds, but I don't have an eye for design, so most of my work is derivative.

That's what I thought. lol

I never had Halo for my Xbox.


"So sorry to bother you, ma'am, but you see, my friend and I have been having a great conversation together though we're beginning to feel the first pangs of hunger. I was wondering if you would be so kind as to ask the chef — and again, there's no rush — but I was wondering if you could inquire with the chef as to

Its very tough. Basketball is very complex. I agree, the tutorials and training in recent 2K games isn't nearly comprehensive as it needs to be for people to truly learn how (And why) to use the large move set (Eurostep, Hop step, Drop Step, Triple Threat, Pivot, etc). I'm an avid basketaball fan and viewer and have

Evening, anything game related you want to talk about? I'm up for a good conversation.

Haha thanks but I was just joking, I don't have that kind of time/money. Id consider it if I lived in Japan but I don't so it's a moot point

If FF made a game that had an in depth character creator along with that costume editor, I'd come back to this series. I'm so over the whole bijou/metrosexual/androgynous "we look like a boy band" character designs. YAWN I know that that's one of the games selling points, but I'm done.

Detective Conan will be your ultimate test. It has more episodes than both those series and despite it being awesome, it's also very repetitive in format. I got somewhere around episode 200-250ish. I don't know about now but when I was watching, they were still far from having finished subbing them all there was just

What you need good luck on is finding the episodes. Funimation laid down the smack on behalf of the parent company because DCTP filled the gap of oh IDK, 500+ episodes not being translated?