Shawntez Phillips

I mean, nowadays people just use controllers with their phone.

I like how people are saying “you have a choice”

Ok so like, not expecting them to make single player dlc is one thing but...a rockstar game not having a single player mode is silly thinking.

Might not be the best take to have ATM considering the current shitshow that is the anniversary event.

You’re thinking titanfall I believe.

P5 is honest to god probably less strict than any other persona game in this regard also.

I kinda get it though. It was kinda said in a weird way but if you feel the need to let people know you have ALL the ff trophies you kinda want to be able to show that you have ALL the ff trophies. If you dont really care what people think you really dont have to tell them at all then.

Lets be totally honest here. Dude made a program that let you generate money that can be bought directly in-game. That already a grey area BUT he also sold the damn program for money. Take Two were 100% within their rights to sew and and he should have known this would have happened.

I’m not seeing Hinamatsuri on this list.

To be fair aside from P3P the gender thing isn’t really the norm.

Why aren’t you always running the latest version of Chrome, anyway?

Ok so im going to be that guy and say TWEWY makes complete sense. The physical controls are pointer controls if I remember correctly so unless you like pointing at your switch screen in tabletop mode it makes wayyyyy more sense to have handheld controls mimic the controls of the mobile version.

Little Bowpeech has a ring to it if its being said how im saying it.

Honestly at this point I think Bungie thrives on the downward sprial. Its a weird situation but I do kind of think that Bungie pretty much develops with extremes and the community kind of mirrors them. Its never just “ok” or “fine” only “fucking amazing” or “dumpster trash pile of shit”

Oh so its like that one mod from awhile back....familiar faces I believe. You can basically save your character’s deeds in like a trophy room and return to it (while also letting you recruit them for another playthrough). So like your mage can have a bunch of banners depending on the dlc he/she beat and her archmage

Its more of a dragon quest thing. The US will probably get orchestrated sometimes but in regards to Dragon Quest, Japan prefers the MIDI ost 9/10. This one just didn’t get orchestrated music in the localization (but we did get voice acting, another thing absent from the JP release).

Isn’t it only three hands?

“You can skip Yakuza 5 if you want”

Actually a lot of it in FFXIV’s case had to do with DLC plans and the fact that the main game is kind of told though Noctis’s eyes. I wouldn’t say it was cut because the game itself didn’t get dev time but because the DLC obviously aren’t there to fill in blanks as much as its intentionally there to be side stories.

Ummm did people really find this that hard. It took me 3 tries.