Someone please answer this quickly for me...**********
Someone please answer this quickly for me...**********
While neat, I don't see any use for this outside of Android games. I, and many people, have zero use for the "freeing up of a tv or a computer" with this or something like the Wii Tablet Controller.
I think you shouldn't view the "terrorists" in these games as any kind of representation of yourself. I'm half German (although my family has been in America for over 200 years), and I don't pay attention to Germans in video games.
I knew you were being seem to have missed I was doing the same there. ;)
Based on her reaction to something as simple as an ad, I hope she can keep calm.
I have to agree with most here that are saying "Show me yours and I'll show you mine does NOT equal oral/sex like actions".
What does that have to do with recording capability? If we're talking about game libraries, my PC destroys any console I have in both game types and recording capability.
Much like many PC, 360 (& Kinect) games.
We're talking about next-gen consoles. So, Yes.
We're all doing our part to hammer these idiots.
Soooo, just like the Durango?
Is there anywhere you can order from Wibtek in China? I want one of their keyboard PCs. :(
What a coincidence, my brother and I are working on a game that we just recently started. He's a programmer, for Android, and I'm a graphic artist/engineer. We're probably aiming way too we're going to stick to it. We're going full 3D and he's working on a proprietary AI that we've both envisioned for…
Like every other teenager in the know, the millions that didn't kill their parents.
Add me to that list of people that married a "gamer"/"geek" girl. You would have NEVER known it seeing her out in public.
I'm not sure if you realize it, but you agreed with my comment. You're handling it like an adult and sticking it out until you find something you like.
Think before you respond. If a family is struggling to pay for a lazy, grown, mooch....then that mooch should either get out or work to help the family out.
Why would I ever spend $1500 on an Autographed card of Michael Jordan when I can get the base card for $1.50?!
I've heard of many teens not liking jobs and quitting/giving up on them like this. However, a 23 year old is way past "I don't like it so I'm not doing it" when it comes to finding work.