Really though I applaud you for just letting them enjoy things without trying to look too deep into them.
Really though I applaud you for just letting them enjoy things without trying to look too deep into them.
I agree with you, but the argument then is that your kids are being conditioned by society to feel unimportant and content with a supporting role in the background when they should have the same opportunity as everyone else, and the same representation.
As a dude raised in a house where mom made more than dad and with…
My 7 year old and 3 year old daughters couldn’t care less if there’s a strong female role in the movies. They love them either way. Kids don’t tend to pay attention to those things.
That very last guy in the red shirt approaches the obstacle with an intensity as though he, above all the others, would make it past the gauntlet. He then sets off on his triumphant run through the gauntlet with passion and determination.
This is a great review. I was weary to pick it up and was not going to right away, but I folded yesterday and used the deal on greenmangaming to give it a shot. $49.99 for a 49.99GB download. 2 hours later I hopped in to my first match and was not entirely impressed. I stopped playing. An hour later I went back with a…
"...the first real reason to own an Xbox One at all.."
Woah now...Forza 5 and Killer Instinct are pretty sweet. I wouldn't have bought the X1 just for Titanfall (I have a gaming rig). However, I would have bought it just for Forza 5. I consider Killer Instinct the icing on top....and had a ton of fun in Dead Rising 3…
This is not the Zelda you (I am) are looking for.
DDR4 is right around the corner guys. If anyone is considering waiting for "any reason", then that may be one. It's not a "wait or you'll regret it" situation, but if you want the latest standard then the new motherboards and RAM should be hitting soon.
If you don't want to wait 2-4 months, I say go for it. I think I'm…
The crazy thing with Ryse, is that it now looks much better than it did before.
Madden looks like cartoony crap to me.
While I fully understand why this happened....
I would have done this just to meet Barry Sanders
Glad to see those Vita cards coming down. I'd like to see the 32GB drop a little more. I dropped over $400 on a Vita when The Show came
A lot of Sony fanboys in here talking crap.... Must be mad about this huh?
Yeah, I thought I'd see more oomph from the PS4, but everything seemed even at best.
This right here is what is pushing me more towards Xbox. The best exclusives they showed (imo of course) were current gen, and I already have PS3, so all good there. Don't get me wrong, the only thing stopping me from getting both ASAP is the lack of a job currently (cause stuff like Infamous still looks awesome), so…
Awesome price point...where in the world are the exclusives though?!
This is hands down the best Zombie game I've ever played.
I'm 30 and have never cursed once in front of my children (A 5 year old and 1 year old).
I was part of an elite squad of musicians on reach who played epic music while everyone fought to the death. I watched my friends DIE, I had to carry my fucking piano over their corpses.