
I love the late starts (but understand why everyone else doesn’t). I put my kids in their PJ’s, read ‘em a story and run down the street to the local bar just in time for the puck to drop! Don’t have to feel guilty that I’m watching hockey instead of doing something with wife & kids...don’t change a thing NHL!!

Poor thing.

Ya man so true; just hit 24, i thought this is what 50 was gonna feel like.

Every time one of these games goes to overtime, it is kinda deflating, simply because of the time commitment.

In EST this game started at 9:30pm. That’s the perfect time where I’m done with dinner and ready to be excited to watch my team play. Halfway through the 2nd period, I’m knocked out on my couch and have a bad back the rest of the day at work. Something needs to be done.

I began that transition a few months ago. It is exceptionally brutal.


I am an addict. I will stay up and watch every minute, like I did last night! I was exhausted this morning, but one look at tonight’s schedule and I am ready to go again!

Any time I would go to CVS to buy condoms, I would also buy one or two things I didn’t actually need, just so it didn’t look like I went in there to exclusively buy condoms.

Do you ever get the talky cashier that has to comment on your purchases? “Ooh, is this noodle bowl good? I love this juice blend! (sees immodium tablets) Oh, um, did you find everything you need?” I should be able to fire this person on the spot.

I’m the guy that is silently judging you based on what is in your cart. Does anyone really need that much cream cheese?!

Like you should be.

Don't ever move to Oregon. The supermarket cashiers comment on every single fucking thing you put on the conveyor belt and ask what you're making. Apparently "none of your goddamned business" isn't considered a polite response.

As a former grocery bagger, I can confirm this is the correct way. The fact that Magary never once mentioned keeping the cold items together tells me he’s absolutely full of shit on this subject, and should not be trusted.

I’m looking at and judging what you have in your cart. But it’s okay because you’ll never see me again and if you do, you’ll think to yourself “I’ve seen that guy before, but can’t remember where” and all will be okay in the world.

Only if you’re there when the store is super slow, like late at night. That’s when the checkout clerk and bag boys are bored, and you’re the one customer they’ve had in the last half hour.

Just try to remember that it’s all in your mind and nobody cares what you’re buying. Besides, if other people weren’t buying it too, it wouldn’t be in the store to begin with. They aren’t stocking the shelves with only the stuff that you buy.

We may say we’re not and that we’re too busy checking our own cart and prepping for the conveyor belt load or checking our phones but we see what you buy, we see all of it you creepy, nasty man.

I gave up being embarrassed by grocery items for lent. ‘Yea, I need the Cruex because MY FUCKIN’ BALLS ITCH! You gotta problem with that, asshole?!’ ‘Yea, I’m buying Kotex. So what?!! I gotta woman at home! Do you?!!’

I look at and judge everything in everyone’s cart around me. I judge it HARD. But I also buy a lot of Immodium so whatevs.