A majority of Democrats and Republicans don’t want Biden and Trump as their respective nominees. But it sure looks like that’s what’s going to happen.
A majority of Democrats and Republicans don’t want Biden and Trump as their respective nominees. But it sure looks like that’s what’s going to happen.
I think you also have to take the same look at Palestinians as a people and Hamas as the governing party. The standard civilian Palestinian sees Hamas picking fights and then hiding behind human shields. They know Hamas has no respect for the lives of its own people as long as the situation can be worked to its…
And as expected, you totally missed the point I was trying to make because you want to insist on your Zionist narrative of Israelis = angels. Palestinians/Muslims = bad/evil.
It's a twofer: condemning Israel's actions must necessarily mean you're antisemitic, just as supporting Palestinians must necessarily mean you support Hamas.
“If you’re gonna go with that argument, kids, then get the fuck out of America.”
It’s also sad and ironic how you Zionists and right-wingers as a whole suddenly become feminists and LGBT advocates when it becomes convenient to justify your Islamophobia and Arab hate and bashing. Where was this concern for gays, liberals, and women when we stacked the Supreme Court full of christian fundamentalists…
“We clearly hate you but we’re at least nominally willing to tolerate you, they’re even worse so how dare you not bow to us??”
People are by and large supporting Palestinian civilians, who make up the overwhelming majority of the 15,000 casualties born out of Israel’s ongoing ethnic cleansing campaign — that’s not counting atrocities that have been committed in the West Bank, or those committed before October 7. 2023 was the deadliest year…
That’s a fine point to make about so-called progressives actually rooting for Hamas, but she’s not really trying hard at all to make a distinction between Hamas and regular Palestinians, so that’s a problem and I’d say pretty racist.
You know, it’s worth remembering there ARE Jewish Palestinians. And a lot of Christians. And large swaths of Israel’s government are open anti-semites who are politically adjacent to any number of right-wing European hypernationalist movements. Viewing this as a religious conflict is just window dressing for a…
When people criticize “Zionists” and “Zionism”, they’re not talking about Jews. They’re talking about colonialism.
For fuck's sake, no American progressive is supporting Hamas.
“Because Jews, they rally around everybody.”
This whole pushback that American liberals/leftists cannot criticize Israel because of the original sins of colonialism and slavery is so confounding. Like, yeah, lots of us on the left want our nation to systematically recon with those twin atrocities. And we want Israel and Hamas to stop killing civilians. No…
Saying “fuck you” to the people paying the bills is the kind of thing you expect from a 15 year old, not a 52 year old.
Reading about it doesn’t do it justice so I encourage everyone to watch some video clips and take note of how Musk is constantly looking out into the audience after every comment, desperately seeking any kind of approval. It’s quite sad and pathetic. He never started from a good baseline anyway, but you can see how…
Yeah, that’s where you reeeally felt the crunch of COVID protocols.
There were so many close-ups, I finally realized “Oh my God, nobody else is in the room shooting these scenes.”
Living in that bubble of positivity
Her era probably had the best historicals. It was the closest the modern era got to replicating the classic show. But maaan was Chibnall’s writing all over the place.
The Timeless Child is why I’m kind of glad the Cartmel Masterplan never got fully realized, because adding more mystery to The Doctor ironically makes…
She was utterly fantastic in a poorly written era, I hope they can bring her back in the future multi Doctor stories so we can see the true potential of that regeneration.