
Not a surprise if they contacted him for statements before they published. Having a defence prepared for a blow you know is coming is not proof of guilt or innocence.

Most sealions stick to “arf arf”, you’re really investing a lot of unnecessary energy.

Arguing from a faulty premise. 0 points for factuality, 10/10 for bullshit fearmongering.

the audience for broadcast TV is OLD. CW was a youth-oriented network and youth audiences are completely gone.

The current UK government is planning to kill the BBC by eliminating it’s primary source of funding within the next 3 years. TV licenses are going the way of the dodo and the Tories will be happy for the opportunity to kill a public service by simply doing nothing to save it. RTD’s basically on the record as saying

Somehow I doubt that’s going to happen. They’ve been letting these worthless cunts have free range for too long to start giving a single anaemic shit now.

He had a prime opportunity to test his theory by simply dropping the word “gay” and seeing if the joke played. I guess when you get to a certain level of wealth and reputation, workshopping your material is a tad harder than just complaining about the audience.

The Daily Beast, which is a left leaning news site,

The Daily Beast hiresreporters” whose only experience was writing PR for The Heritage Foundation and the Republican Party. But sure, “left leaning”.

lol, no you’re not.

Right now I’m thinking he’s secretly The Master, keeping a close eye on his apprentice without her knowing.

“People will be free, from this landmarker to that one” is not the same as naming your organisation after a character whose sole entire characterisation revolves around mudering his enemies. Why are you so fucking stupid?

A Sky News Australia compliation? Fuck all the way off. Everything people hate about Fox News is amplified x1000 oin Sky News Australia. That’s the channel that hired a convicted white supremacist terrorist as a commentator and only fired him after he directly and openly threatened to rape one of their hosts. You may

It’s probably not going to come back. These first few episodes are still establishing the rules of the Whoniverse for the new expanded Disney audience. That scene was about pre-empting any questions the new audience might have about the Butterfly Effect. Ruby changed, The Doctor realised he forgot to turn on the

No, Northstar was created to be gay in 1979 but wasn’t allowed to be canonically described as such until 1993. 14 years of the character being kept in the closet despite the biggest creators in comics at the time pushing for him to be out. When he finally did come out, the controversy killed the book within the year.

The first episode is about refugees and the second episode is about Capitalism destroying the human soul.

Make a movie about characters people don’t know or care about

He’s a mixed-race Afro-Brazilian character whose mother is white and whose father is Brazilian.

Is this purely a pathetic cry for attention, or are you genuinely this stupid?

In the original cartoons he was half Earthling on his mother’s side. She was a NASA astronaut from an unspecified point in Earth history (possibly the 1980s, possiby the near future).