
the russo’s themselves are even a great example. they were an interesting choice and had done good work on tv, obviously elevated the mcu, and everything they’ve made since has been the worst stuff of their career.

That is such a fucking bad faith accusation and either you know that and are saying it anyway or you are really fucking stupid and bought into propaganda that says that supporting Palestinian people is supporting Hamas. Neither choice looks good on you.

Interesting, right wing shit fuckers like yourself continue to lie and distort at every opportunity despite being actual anti semites.  Fuck off asshole.

So let’s say everything the Israeli government said happened on Oct 7 happened, full horrors and all. You can still be anti-Hamas and not want to see more innocent children killed. Saying it’s shitty that Israel is taking the approach of dealing with human shields by killing the human shields does not also mean

The government of Israel had the moral high ground immediately after the attack on October 7th, then they squandered it by indiscriminately bombing and killing civilians, children, aid workers and refugees.

TheAutomator aka vanheat has been stalking me and replying to almost every post I make every single day, across all the G/O media sites, for like a week now. Somebody please give him attention and validate his existence for me, so he can leave me be.

How dare anyone not support Netanyahu and the extremist far right government of Israel? Doesn’t everyone understand that Netanyahu is the entirety of the Jewish faith, and failing to support every single thing he does is very literally committing a new Holocaust?

Also lol at “tankies = antisemitic”

The problem is actually that you are an idiot. She seems capable of empathy and sympathy as well as being able to understand the motivations of numerous different parties.

jfc . . . Whoever taught liberals the word “tankie” needs to be shot. Now it just means “someone to my left who I don’t like”. Susan Sarandon is not even a communist, let alone a Marxist-Leninist, let alone a Marxist-Leninst who believes in the use of force in order suppress what they perceive to be as revisionism

So have you just not been following this story since October 7th? Because most of what Israel has said happened that day turned out to be false. There were no beheaded babies (only one dead baby and Israel can’t say who killed because the IDF shelled houses at the kibbutzim killing Israeli civilians along with Hamas

Hamas decapitates babies (which didn’t actually happen): Barbaric behavior, each and every one of them needs to be wiped off the face of the Earth for this

No one is supporting Hamas (except the Israeli government). take your islamophobia and get out of here.

Israel is trying to back a bunch of dangerous, terrorist squatters off its border. They are completely sane and right to do so.

It’s the Iraqi soldiers taking babies out of incubators canard from the W. Bush era 2.0. This really is War on Terror hysteria all over again.

You know the moment someone mentions decapitated babies I know they are full of shit. It’s was a bullshit comment that has been debunked within hours of its first report. It’s really just Islamphobic bullshit trying to dehumanize one side as monsters. Not saying Hamas are the good guys, they aren’t. But spreading

Maybe it was omitted because it wasnt anti-Semitic. Maybe it has to do with USAs funding of Israel for decades and that’s why western media only shows Isreal’s side.
Maybe instead of trying to find a dog whistle, instead try listening to what’s she actually said. 

Pretty fucking wild how the AV Club… is omitting the ACTUAL antisemitic part of Barrera’s posts

Zionism has fried your brain.