
This is a hilarious instance to get upset about what you’re claiming though. Scott Pilgrim vs. the World is already a deliberate attack on the straight white male protagonist. Scott Pilgrim is not a likable character (that was a big part of why I had mixed feelings about the movie). The point is that he’s a selfish

Nah, it was actually great, and a majority of the criticism comes from people who can’t process stories they don’t immediately relate to.

Calling these jokes “blue” is almost as ancient as any of Matt’s references and I’m not shocked at all so many bad-joke-likers are using it to distract from him being bad at jokes.

I think his response where he implied that if someone is offended it’s because they are “special needs” is what pushes him into that category, yeah.

Geniuinely we only talk about how offensive something is if it’s not funny. It’s Always Sunny and Anthony Jeselnik have been doing offensive material for years. The difference is it’s fucking funny and it’s not the easiest joke possible so people don’t get as upset about it. 

That’s not the fucking joke. JFC, he’s suggesting that she SHOULD be in the kitchen but she’s apparently not good at it. It’s obviously a play on the old “women belong in the kitchen” joke.

Oh, it gets worse. Towards the end he jokes about fat-shaming a woman on Twitter because she called out him out on his selfish airplane behavior in a story that he himself posted.

i have a long-standing hatred of people - usually men - who disparage young girls that make up their core audience.
mostly because it just shows how dumb these ‘artists’ are. young girls make or break pop culture.

We sophisticated types call it “gauche.”

That’s the thing. I’ve seen some of his clips, and his work vacillates between be sophomoric and just kind of done. There’s no real *spark* there for me, which you get when a truly gifted comic is working a room. And I think it’s because ultimately his work is pretty shallow. He goes for the low-hanging fruit, whereas

Wow. A dude who is pro-being offensive for the sake of being offensive thinks this guy is funny.

This dude in 2020s Dane Cook. At best.

You forget that to these comedy-pushes-boundaries folks, a picture of a special needs helmet TM is as hilarious now as it was in 1982.

It’s what older folks called “ghetto” and even older folks called “tacky.”

All of this. Nevermind the debate about “Is he offensive/is he not offensive?” How is a guy who appears in his early 20s in 2023 doing “women belong in the kitchen” jokes from 1967? Does he think he has a shot at getting a five-minute spot on The Jack Parr Show?

If you’re going to be offensive , you better back it up by actually being funny .

I like Maron’s view on these jokes, especially Rife's apology with the special needs helmet - it’s so fucking hack. We’re kind of doing a disservice to the shittiness of the jokes by talking about whether or not they’re “offensive.” They’re just examples of middle of the road hack comedy. That should be the story, and

Time travelers from 30/40/50 years ago probably found the joke quite entertaining.

Bad luck! That’s my job! I’m a standup comedian, I’m meant to challenge people! If you don’t like being challenged, don’t watch my shows! What’s the matter, guys? Toooo challenging for yah?!?

Yeah, offensive jokes aside, really none of this guy’s material is funny. I watched a few of his tiktoks, and literally none of them were funny.