
I have to think that the low box office spells bad news for those other revenue streams. There’s a reason blockbuster movies are called “tentpoles;” they hold up the tent of ancillary revenue. Now having said that, I have to think Iger will absolutely say, “Still worth it.” It’s still Marvel, and Iger’s comments

And it was his dad who disproved Elon’s fabled origin myth in a public interview - Errol was the one who came out, on record, and said Musk started and deserved getting put in hospital for it: “Even I think Elon went too far”.

I generally agree with you. On the other hand, the world can always use more openly queer role models. The press and public just need to chill a little and not try to pry it out of everyone.

Reviews are widely available. RT’s summary consensus chunk says, “Funny, refreshingly brief, and elevated by the chemistry of its three leads, The Marvels is easy to enjoy in the moment despite its cluttered story and jumbled tonal shifts.” Having seen the movie, this is accurate. 

It has an 84% audience score.

In case Americans have ever been under the impression that their police forces are uniquely terrible, let it be known that law enforcement in Australia has a long history of being violent, stupid, racist, and almost ridiculously corrupt. (Check out the history of the Victorian police force some time.) The most

Honestly, this ranks about a 1 outta 10 on the scale of bad things Sydney coppers have done. 

Fuck, in the parlance of our times, the haters. I saw it tonight, and I enjoyed the shit out of it. Kamala is an ever-spinning dynamo of fun, and the other two bounce off her with aplomb. Plus: cats, cats, cats!

It is an aggregation site.

By the same token, Breslin has not previously been known as difficult or a diva who makes things up. So shouldn’t she also get some similar benefit of the doubt here?

This is a great point. These premature infants should not have taken those hostages, and even though I’m generally against the death penalty, these premature newborns committed a war crime when, as premature newly born children who can’t walk, talk, think, or do anything except be a passive recipient of life saving

What I feel is missing from a lot of these reports on the study (beyond how weird it is to lump 10 year-olds’ opinions on this with 24 year-olds) is the fact that there’s less sex in film than ever, yet erotic content is more at our fingertips; it feels like a lot of people conflate the availability of porn with the

He even claims that it was “too much confidence for too little skill.” That reads to me like he thinks there’s a level of skill where lanesplitting and weaving through traffic at 100+ miles per hour could ever be done safely.

We’re probably living through the most sexless period in movies in decades. Erotic thrillers used to be genre unto themselves and now they’re basically nonexistent.

I don’t understand why people do this. Riding is dangerous enough as it is.

Too much confidence for too little skill.”

Of course this selfish arse calls the incident an “accident” and not a collision or crash which is what it was.”

All fine and well that he acknowledges this happened because of his own stupidity but I don’t see any mention of anyone other than himself. Driving/riding like this puts everyone else on the road at innocent risk of accident or injury (ask the pickup driver or truck driver in this video if they’re as “c’est la vie”

I hope the cops saw this video and charged him with felony reckless driving. The fact that the semi, at highway speeds, had to lane split to keep from completely rolling over this douchebag could’ve have ended so, so much worse for him and other drivers on the road. This guy deserves to have his license revoked for a

Of course this selfish arse calls the incident an “accident” and not a collision or crash which is what it was. An accident is if a deer runs onto the road and you swerve to avoid it and hit another vehicle or stationary object. I hope he is never allowed to get on a bike again, or to drive a car for that matter,