That’s the whole point, though. They’re so far forward that even a compromise that gives up 80% of what she’s looking for moves things ahead and helps people.
That’s the whole point, though. They’re so far forward that even a compromise that gives up 80% of what she’s looking for moves things ahead and helps people.
Sorry but it’s just one of those jobs that attracts a certain type of person, and that type of person is never to be trusted. It’s one of those, if that person wants that job they should probably be the last fucking person on earth to have it. And it’s not like we, as citizens, have any other choice but to use those…
I’m surprised you didn’t hashtag bl*e l*ves m*tter you dick vein.
Police exist to protect the interests of the upper class and oppress poor people and anyone who signs up for that is open to judgment. And maybe if we had an actual safety net and funded, I don’t know, mental health workers instead, we wouldn’t need cops to do a million different things every day (that they are not…
“All in favour of those being simultanously dry, greasy, and snakeskin-like?”
“All those in favour of never cleaning our buttholes?”
Sorry. Clearly sidetracked.
“Okay guys, on the board today is, ‘should men have multiple skin care products?’ You know, a shampoo, a body wash, a lotion-”
They said Guyger lived in a “high-crime” area, which made her hyper vigilant.
Yep. See also: men think recycling makes you gay.
Anyone else notice how she appears to have gone blonde since the shooting? Am I a cynic for suspecting she wants to look whiter for the court?
They said Guyger lived in a “high-crime” area, which made her hyper vigilant.
Not only a red door mat, but her next thought must’ve been, as she opened the door “someone broke in and switched out my couch and kitchen table and pictures and paintings...” and then she came upon the dangerous black man trying to redecorate. Shooting the perp in defense of her khaki decor was really the only…
Considering the fact that all of the rich people’s money is created by the labor of workers..... who’s “stealing” from whom?
Yes, we all know a movie with subtle character moments and well written dialog, that subverts broad archetypes instead of lazily falling back on them, could never be considered good Star Wars movie.
hell yeah, fuck this “weekend” thing those commies are talking about
Somebody here has a big chip on their shoulder. I hear the the term flyover states far more from the people who live in those states than I ever hear from coastal people. Plenty of states other than California opt into higher emissions standards and it is a choice, each state gets to make. Are you saying states…
You... You’re just wrong about the pollution levels. Even a quick search will show how much better the air in southern California has gotten since they increased their standards.
L.A. especially has this weird effect to to the nature of it being a valley. Where pollution just goes into the sky and stays. So everywhere…
and this “weekend” thing they’re talking about sounds like it might destroy the manufacturing industry
Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. A gajillion times yes.
I don’t blame her for trying to keep that experience as outside of the day to day as possible. I went the other way with a campus sexual assault by a classmate and I can’t say it was a positive experience.