The devil can quote Scripture for his own use. An evil soul using a holy story is like a criminal who smiles at you. He looks like a good apple but he’s rotten at the core. Oh, liars can look so honest!
The devil can quote Scripture for his own use. An evil soul using a holy story is like a criminal who smiles at you. He looks like a good apple but he’s rotten at the core. Oh, liars can look so honest!
This also happened after the WFP endorsed Warren a few days ago.
Yup, farbeit for people to understand context of any sort of criticism. Clearly it's blind hatred!
Cant wait for the white Bernie supporters to come explain how this was all trolls and not actual Bernie supports, ignoring the numerous persons of color, women, and especially women of color who have been documenting it for 4 years now. They know about it better than the people experiencing it and they are here to…
Every thing you listed is for fine dining or upscale entertainment. This is in fells point connected to the market. It’s not fine dining. It’s also not an elementary school.
Re: “we’ll be doing the moon.” I am reminded of a refrain penned by the late, great Kurt Vonnegut:
Ah yes, Schrodinger's Queer: Gay men aren't real men, but trans women are the manliest men.
It’s simple, just make it that any rules that disproportionately affect people of color count as discriminatory practices.
Pass better laws to prohibit this type of shit. It was legislation, not any type of boycott that got rid of the “no coloreds” signs back in the 1960s.
We’re all taught as children Lord Acton’s axiom that power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. But the longer I live, the more I think that’s incorrect. It’s not power that corrupts. As Lindsay Ellis once cited, power in itself only reveals what you would like to do.
Don’t forget the fact that she refuses to do photoshoots unless they agree not to airbrush, retouch, or otherwise “fix” the images. So, in her pictures she has wrinkles, stretch marks, cellulite, that little roll of armpit fat/skin in strapless dresses, etc.
She has a disability and is a woman of color who has struggles with eating disorders so...yeah no.
Christ, I forgot about Jameela’s condition.
She was anorexic as a teenager and then got hit by a car and laid up in hospital and had to relearn how to walk. She’s lucky she was able to rebound from this and become who she is today. This got her priorities in order and she understands what celebrity culture and influencers did to give her body issues. She's not…
Jesus, thank you for this. I read that and thought “Did this person literally call a dark brown Indian actress who has been amplifying womanism, queer people and body acceptance a WHITE FEMINIST?”
Is it thoughtless though? She’s not necessarily saying she’s denying the existence of her body (though the floating head comment does seem to over exaggerate her point). She went through years of eating disorders and body shaming by the media. When we live in a world where it seems like the only options available are…
And Jameela herself has Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, so kinda checks out! Just chiming in to second your yup.
They are. Follow her IG. She promotes people of all sizes, colors, orientations and abilities. She’s one of the few celebrities consistently doing this on social media. She isn’t perfect, but she is trying to do good things. Meanwhile this site pretends to criticize Kardashian types while constantly promoting them…
“has been co-opted recently by women of totally socially-acceptable, skinny shapes and sizes who think the movement is just for anyone who feels good or wants to show off their armpit hair”...You guys know that Jameela has a history of eating disorders since childhood, right? And that she was severely fat-shamed by…
“The body positive movement doesn’t put people with disabilities and other marginalised bodies into the foreground,” writer Rebekah Taussig told the Guardian in a piece on the term. “Body neutrality, I think, has the power to be really useful in particular to people with disabilities, especially those with…