
And this is the nauseating and utterly repugnant apotheosis of the ever-more common view by Republicans that inanimate objects are more important than people. This is why they criminalize property crime and protest, while ignoring or excusing the terrible results of gun violence. This is why they want to gut

Kind of interesting how different symbols convey entirely different meanings.

Yeah, it’s funny how historical, social, and cultural context matters.

It’s vaguely dehumanizing. It’s not a “Black person”, it’s “a Black” or “the Blacks” or “my African American”.

Unless it’s ‘my African American’ (and even ‘his’ African American didn’t stick around in the GOP).

“We love our Hispanics as long as they don’t look hispanic.” Jesus, it’s not even a racist dog whistle. It’s just a regular racist whistle. It’s a racist air raid siren.

The “right” way in 1969 has been eliminated and it’s now virtually impossible to immigrate.

My parents, who are immigrants, fit right in there. They live in tucson and demand that all teh folks south of hte border do it the ‘right’ way like they did. And they are trump supporters.

Trumpy Bear always takes extra umbrage at those who don’t LOOK like minorities. He’s seething over the knowledge that they’re paying less in taxes than he (he who pays $0 on taxes).

It’s a long standing tradition for immigrants in America. “I’m here now and the people who come after me can go fuck themselves.” The British did it to the Irish, the Irish did it to the Italians, the Italians did it to the Chinese.

“Latinos for Trump.” Like the Log Cabin Republicans, proving that hatred, greed, and lack of empathy are characteristics that are blind to color, gender, sexual orientation, etc.

It’s always “the <others>.”. The Hispanics. The Blacks. The Jews. Usually followed by some stereotype or other reveal of his bigotry, like associating black people with inner cities or Jewish people with money.

Yes and no. It’s the correct francophone pronunciation perhaps, but on an American show with a primarily English-speaking audience, it comes off as an affectation in my opinion. The word genre has been fully adopted from the French into English, and with that comes an independent pronunciation. The French may elide or

Binged a little ‘Comedians In Cars Getting Coffee’ this weekend, and man, Jerry really seems like kind of a cock sometimes. Not all the time, just sometimes. He and Amy Schumer were at this diner, and he says to the waitress, ‘I want two eggs on a plate by themselves.’ Kind of an unusual order and a weird way to

Low wages are not the fault of the immigrants who have to accept them. They’re the failt of the corporations who pay them, the government who allows them to do so and a society that thinks Unions are evil.

“Republican party was pro-immigration until Trump took it over.”

Now playing

Kotaku has previously reported on self-appointed boob police who trawl through Twitch’s directories searching for and reporting women they believe are violating Twitch’s terms of service.

His ban was only 14 days. He then didn’t come back for another 2 weeks, which shows how little he cared. The fact that he filmed in a public bathroom 3 times and only got a 2 week ban shows how much Twitch refuses to punish its top streamers. Hell, TFue dropped the n-word a couple weeks ago and got no ban at all.

What a load of shit.  The decline in wages is caused by the decline of organized labor.

If only she had the foresight to do so in a public bathroom while screaming racial epithets, she would have been a-ok.