
Yes I have to say, I am really sick of seeing Jez linking to the Daily Mail. If no one else has a story on it yet it’s probably because they are actually taking 5 minutes to talk to the appropriate people and write something marginally intelligent. Let’s support actual journalism, please.

Please remove the link to that trash article from the Daily Mail. The header image alone is objectionable but it also cites “experts” who compare this to someone selecting their own race. I stopped reading at this: “The ONS said it was advised by a number of transgender lobby groups in devising this question on gender

No, the idea that it more undignified to him that his wife left him for a woman and not a man, all the gay panic jokes, those attitudes.

The Khmer Rouge was a fundamentally xenophobic and racist operation. That’s why it was called the Cambodian genocide. Which party is talking about building a wall and sending Americans “back where they came from”?

I mean I’ve consumed about 1,976,532,628 movies/tv-shows/books (give or take) about morally ambiguous/downright evil men, and I haven’t yet lost my ability to tell right from wrong yet. I doubt seeing this movie will be what tips the scale.

Otherwise known as the Gish Gallop, “a technique used during debating that focuses on overwhelming an opponent with as many arguments as possible, without regard for accuracy or strength of the arguments.”

And that financial crippling prevents future you from going to your follow up appointments, future you or your family seeking preventative care, future you or your family living in safe conditions, eating healthy food, getting mental health care, retiring and getting eldercare (which ends up passing the financial

Why should I have to silence my outrage? That’s not the way this works. Chappelle and Seinfeld do not have a monopoly or special privilege to put their thoughts into the world without pushback. I’m not sure what is inherently wrong about saying something is bad, shouldn’t exist, and that the people who produce are

I could see how that’d be confusing, considering how many are attracted to 8yo anime girls, but no.

But that’s Shapiro’s whole thing: if you ignore the parts that make us look bad. That’s always been his ‘debate’ tactic: obfuscate your shortcomings and then throw out an army of strawmen and hope no one notices; when you start to lose, use ad hominems and complain you’re being attacked.

“Cancel culture” is just “Ugh, fuck this guy” on a grand scale, and people do this all the time in their personal lives. That it involves a celebrity rather than your crazy aunt doesn’t make it a unique movement.

I’ve noticed that lately media personalities/celebrities/comedians (looking at you Dave Chappelle and Jerry Seinfeld) feel like they are entitled to a positive response to all of their comments/jokes no matter what. And that if a listener/reader/audience member does not like something that was said, then the

The neoconservative New York Post columnist John Podhoretz wandered around in an orange Lacoste shirt and sensible shoes. He finally quit Twitter in March, after several unsuccessful attempts, following a joke about bombing NYU. “Twitter is only good for people until they get around 75,000 followers,” he said. “And

Actually it’s a Scandanavian white nationalist symbol.

Except that the Iron Cross was removed from production in the 1940's, then flat out outlawed in Germany in the 1950's... It was then later renamed, redesigned, and then reintroduced to the German Bundeswehr in the late 1950's.

This. I got picked on enough.  I can’t imagine how awful it would have been if we had social media back then.  I cringe at the thought.

I am so infinitely glad that  when I was a teenager (a) social media didn’t exist and (b) I wasn’t famous enough for anyone to give a shit what I did.

So much for all that ‘HE’S CHANGED!’ bullshit I had to read in the (literally) 50+ replies I received yesterday for dare besmirching the great name of Pewdiepie.

“You do realize that the anti semitic video has been removed days after the fact and he had never done any other joke about it since right?”