“And I bet you none of the accused involved would ever see what they did as sexual harrassment/assault/rape.”
“And I bet you none of the accused involved would ever see what they did as sexual harrassment/assault/rape.”
Please I wold love to see some evidence that Education/cultural change would reduce the majority of or even a significant amount of sexual violence in America or any comparable first world country.
1st) no false reports are not rare people need to stop saying this, proven cases of false claims. By the same token claims being proven true are also rare. I. Recommend you watch this video:
So are false rape allegations a Woman’s issue ?
A woman who looks the other way on creepy behaviour is also enabling the problem men do not have have more of an obligation to not turn a blind eye .Everyone regardless of gender should be part of the solution to stoping bad behaviour, people should hold other people accountable for other people’s bad behaviour no…
So if your default is to believe the woman would you be fine with everybody using that same standred against you if someone accused you of abuse?
Thanks, glad to be of help story like this defiantly show why affirmative consent should be the standard so no one comes out feeling or being violated. Woman hopefully as time goes on will be more confident saying no but Guys should also over time hopefully learn to look for a yes instead of just continuing on because…
I think this debate I watched nicely complaints what your saying:
I have just now but I would recommend reading at least reading the first article so you can actually fully understand the points being made or seeing as it is super long here is the article in audio:
The first point is that in an attempt to solve the very real issue of sexual assault that many rape policies on campus have unintentionally hurt innocents in the process.
Yes, I know that and I agree its infuriating when she says things like a woman should not get drunk to prevent sexual assault but these articles raise many valid concerns that can’t simply be dismissed because you or I have a problem with the author. Also, she is not the only one raising these concerns so you’re going…
I think these articles do a good job highlighting why this is might be happing:
I get what your saying but their is a difference between male Dominated industries were their workers are valued based on their physical Capabilities/Skills and a female dominated things like stripping and prostitution were workers are mostly valvued based on their sex appeal, especially in a society that set up so…
“women are not just a piece of meat.”