Try saying to her that blaming herself for being drunk and someone Choosing to rape her is Is just as silly as a wrestler blaming himself for being crippled because he choose to do a high risk manoeuvres, or do you see football players saying it's their fault when they get paralysed because they choose to put their…
Thanks I just direct any one using that bs 40 percent thing to the video, I even had one guy apologise for using.
Thank you from now on I can use this with the video :)
I'm sorry that I can't explain to you in a quicker way but that's because their are many problems with the way your reading that study, you can watch the video and see those problems or you can keep using misleading statistics that will do nothing to help male victims.
So ether watch the video now, later when you have…
No she never said that she was complaining about him derailing, also she is right forced to penetrate is not just about men it can also include woman maybe even more woman are forced to penetrate. Also his claim about it being almost equal is from a misinterpretation of a study.
Actually it's not near equal, see this video for the explanation why
Ironic that mras complain about feminst miss representing statistics but then they are fine do the same :(
Stop lying its not 40%
Dont worry he is citing a false statistic its not 40% thats an mra myth
Ok I done with you I can see this is useless so I'm not going to explain to you the stupidity of what you are saying plez dont reply back to my after this becuase I don't to get a headache from talking to a brick wall.
So then if a man takes advantage of you when your drunk then it's ok if I don't feel sorry for you.
Yeah I laughed at that part as well :)
But really the fact that mras will go this far to prove that woman are oppressing men is even funner to me.
Don't worry his statistics are false, a bunch of mras took a CDC study and twisted it to make it look like that 40% of rapist are female, it's funny that mens rights activist acuse femnist of twisting statistics but then thier happy to do it when it suits there agenda of "What about the men !"
That's a lie stop spreading myths, this videos explains why what your saying is bullshit.