
know-how Mr. Carmack developed when he was a ZeniMax employee, and used by Oculus, are owned by ZeniMax

My thought is that this is because whoever's making movies feels you need a "face" to show emotion or something. I mean, just look at how much super heroes take off their masks (or have them taken off) so you can FEEL them, just look at Lizard from the recent spider man movie, yeesh. I really wish they'd find

Season 25? oh my, that's starting to show my age.

Man... how does a game even break like that, and how does somebody actually even find such a thing. I may be against using such things and calling them speed runs, but it's still impressive to find really off the wall stuff like this sometimes.

See, the very premise of Hearthstone is that the characters in the world of Warcraft have decided to take a break from murdering one another in order to play some cards. The main game is goofy and all, but you can find the best writing in the library, where every card has its own chunk of flavor text. Some are better

Good... good.... as long as it continues.

In general, do these things work? I've wanted to try art but don't really have the personal drive for it, maybe in a game format it'd be different.

If shooters require thinking, you're going to have a smaller audience and thus not sell as many copies. But I'd buy it!

I always did like Ami the best.

Zach Snyder's going to try and make everybody forget that the Superfriends cartoon ever existed.

Wow damn. Today, Rinko had a major personality shift. She lost her “tsun” and went straight into her “dere.” She was cheerful, kind, and smiling… I don’t know how to take this. …Of course, I doubt that this was due to me or anything I had done. After all, she only acts this way when around the kittens we're secretly


I have been scared of water for a long time, that water with the giant eel in Mario 64 REALLY didn't help.

The prank pulled by the Call of Duty player over Skype may sound familiar, as "swatting"—calling the police on someone—is an old griefing method that unfortunately uses up a lot of valuable resources. Fortunately, nobody was hurt.

I... that last one has to be in reverse, otherwise that's freaking hilarious.

Well if they'd hurry up and put it out for the most popular mobile platform like they said they plan to, I'd get right on that.

I remember playing Metroid 2 on my friend's game boy, and wanted one so bad but never got one. Eventually I got a game boy advance and had much funs. Still waiting for that Metroid 2 remake though....

Man, the fact that you can get an action figure to pose like this just blows my mind. I guess that's why the hefty price tag though.

I loved Ultima Online so much, had I the friends back then to play it with, I likely still would be playing it. The core of what that game was, I'm not sure if anything has copied it really since.

I agree there needs to be something involving all the babies people are popping out, but it'd be awfully difficult i think to figure out a method that'd work because people would just keep popping them out anyway.