
This is men. No where in his pissbaby rant did he mention consent. “Do you think it’s wrong to send people pictures of yourself?” Yeah, if they haven’t asked for them. “Are porn stars creepy” No, they consented to those videos being distributed to the public. And the public isn’t being forced to watch them. The

Look he can’t hel...

I’m glad that the law has finally stopped looking the other way with this bullshit.

“I think it’s literally unconstitutional.”

My barbies all just banged constantly - gay, straight, trans inclusive banging.

Somewhere out there, Channing Tatum is reading yr comment and crying a single tear


Have you ever seen Amy Schumer and Tom Hanks in the same place at the same time?

shit i am laughing so hard

I don’t see why she had to apologize to begin with.

Clover’s not going for outrage. Not every Jez article is about being outraged. It’s about the mistake the magazine made and especially the well-handled apology from the model. Seems more like Clover wanted to feature the model’s genuine apology as a good example. It’s supposed to be kind of a happy ending story.

Actually, the model herself called the magazine out, saying that she’s not African American and doesn’t think she should be on the cover. Unfortunately, she doesn’t have rights to the image and had no say in it.

a big ol fuck up followed by some decent apologies / basic accountability feels like an honest to God palate cleanser at this point.

Admittedly, I am the whitest of white ladies, but I appreciate that the model made a sincere and thoughtful apology.

What would focusing on the settlement accomplish that focusing on anything else won’t? This constant admonishment from the holier-than-thou types - as if we can’t walk and chew gum at the same time - is really getting tiresome, particularly when focusing on the settlement doesn’t accomplish a goddamn thing, either.

As a resident of NJ, the answer is no. Last year when he was on his FAILED (lol) campaign, we had a frigging blizzard here. When asked by reporters why he didn’t come back to, you know, govern the state he snidely responded, “What am I supposed to do, shovel snow?”

I still love, in an evil bitch sorta way, that all Chris Christie really wants in life is to be friends with Bruce Springsteen and ol’ Bruce basically said “nah.”

Does Christie ever do like ... his actual job of governing New Jersey?

Oh nooooo I have been a person saying ‘2017 will be good’. It’s because I’m finally over a shitty hump in my research program and my partner can move so we won’t be long distance anymore and 2016 was shitty in systemic and random ways (shout out to the vandals that smashed my back windshield for funsies last