
Big thank you to Sony for finally adding this and a big F-you to those who rationalized the decision to keep this feature absent for so long. My PS4 will be getting a lot more use now.


1/10, game lacks pick-a-nic baskets. a fundamental part of bear life is pick-a-nic baskets.

Exactly WHY do we need to know who this or that character would knock boots with? We do NOT need to know this stuff. It is absolutely NOT relevant.

You know, when someone starts working at my place of work the first thing that doesn’t pop in my mind is are they gay. Who cares? I’m only interested in storytelling. If you want to have a gay storyline it better be part of the story or else I’m not interested. Don’t put it in there to satisfy a certain demographic

as has been said, you can’t see someone’s orientation by looking at them, so lumping homosexuality in with gender, or race in regards to inclusion is a false equivilancy. Believe it or not, SOME star wars fans are interested in star wars, not a movie about who’s kissing who. When i first saw poe shooting

We don’t care about your perception of sleight.

Steam really isnt that great.

eSports: so professional!

Because it is. Vividendi is a giant media conglomerate. They don’t care about creativity, product quality, or innovation. Just money. And when the sole interest of any company or corporation is money, the only end result is taking a dump on customers and screwing over all the employees. However, let me clear - Ubisoft

You are wrong it is fantastic.

I don’t know man did you watch the whole video? I think in this case we’re dealing with a genuinely awkward and cringe worthy video regardless of what decade it came from.

There were a few times when I wondered if somehow the audio from the audience wasn’t being picked up, but then at other times you can hear them

I did some digging. To make matters worse? The AMERICAN version of the Dreamcast theme for the Nintendo 3DS uses PSO music. The Japanese version is completely different. They know.

...and just like that, I’m butthurt about PSO2 again...

I walked in just for this, and I’m leaving satisfied.

Very few things actually make my heart race as fast as it did the first time (and last time) I saw this drop.

What about the Sword of a Thousand Truths?