
Nights of Azure March 29th.

It depends on the angle you look at it from and personal tastes.

I’d say about even. I do like that game :).

Well worth playing. Personally, I still prefer II well over III.

I’d play it more, but the lag is insane. Think I might give this one a rest for awhile.

Seriously?! Much appreciated, I must have this now.

Tradeoff is usually better, just give her soda.

Omg yes. This is fantastic news.

If anything it will start a healthy competition promote more competitive pricing.

Yeah it really does help as long as you keep up with it, and you don’t even have to do it for very long each day for results. The key is consistency.

All I want to know is, can I keep the fortress after you finish the DLC? If you can, I’m buying this immediately.

I’m not a huge fan of trailers that explain nothing either, the concept sounds interesting though.

Nothing beats my tokyo-jungle baby chick wearing a spiked collar and a fedora.

I would play as the power switch, I would be loved and feared by all.

This needs to become more of a thing on all leaderboard ranking systems.

That safehouse in Brooklyn might as well have house party written all over the damn thing, that place was a brick shithouse when I tried to get through there. They didn’t have to block the doorway, just moving around in there was insane. By the time I got out I felt violated.

I think I just might, thanx man.

Damn, I don’t care what anyone says, Fable was fun, Black and White was and still is my favorite...strategy? game.