
Ok Stardew valley players, I have a question..what seperates this from something like, say, Harvest Moon/Rune Factory.

Regardless of the quality of the game, I wouldn’t give up simply because the internet is an asshole and some living ad on youtube decides to trash talk.

I arrived here just for this.


Because of course it does. I mean Konami is involved so naturally they forced them to drown in their own tears first after beating them inches of their lives with whips made of dolphin flesh.

I swear the Dark Zone bring the worst out in everyone...I had a full team that went all the way through the beta missions with full happy jolly co-op high-five good times, as *soon* as we went to the Dark Zone....

You, I respect.


This right here, I can’t help but laugh when I see articles like this.

Whether he is or he isn’t, he will make a million and one excuses that claims he didn’t torrent anything, and unless there is irrefutable proof, nearly everyone will believe him because ‘celebrity’.

Just do it a *whole bunch of times* :D ...

I’ll second the cardio statement.

Not only that, but in Demon’s Souls the more you died as a human, the harder the game became. So you were better off overall to play as a spook unless you were trying to piss the world off intentionally to increase soul count, item drop rates, and invasion chance. That was the *only* merit to making the world ‘darker’

Oh ok, I read that wrong. Still it does alleviate some of the headaches, can’t remember how many bosses I fought in this series with perma-half health.

Hopefully those life protection rings make a comeback, sure they were expensive to fix, but 6 to 12k in repairs is nothing when your carrying ~5ook souls around. Also I

You don’t lose souls anymore?? That’s...kinda awesome actually...and makes it more accessible for newcomers....

Man the Zelda timeline is one of the most complex to keep up with next to Kingdom Hearts. GAWD THANK YOU!

I would play this, but my PC gets a headache just thinking about this game.