
All PD’s should be totally controlled by civilian boards with DA and Police agents acting as advisors. Also, any damages resulting from police misconduct should be taken from the department’s pension fund. No funds from seizures/forfeiture/fines should ever make their way into the PD’s budget (nor that of the

I’m fairly sure there was a gubmint program mandating that they do “something” for fuel economy and this fit the requirement keeping them available for all that sweet-sweet Uncle Sugar money.
Also, apropos of nothing, the best tell-tales ever placed on an ‘Murrican car were the ones on the 2nd gen Mustangs. Closer to

Oh, sure, they “bleed static discharge off of an aircraft.” But we all know the real reason.

If it’s a Papal edition shouldn’t it have an oversized capper? And maybe always emit white smoke out the exhaust?

The sooner we simply schedule a hunting season (with high bag limits) for these sovereign citizen idiots, the better.


This little guy would like to have a word with your short-sightedness...

I’m sure it’s fine for whatever “overlanding” or “tactical” needs one might have but it needs a wizard and/or unicorn mural.  Both would be preferable.

It’s not about shifting the blame; it’s about making sure you survive the day.

No. It’s the fault of the TV station for putting their crew at risk without a proper safety person. I used to work in the surveying industry and my crews would have someone whose job was to stand facing oncoming traffic (to which the surveyor often has his/her back) and make sure nobody got run over. One Wyoming Hwy

It’s like the Bowling Green Massacre all over again!

The problem with machine learning is the humans the machines learn from.
Sounds like the droid drives the Tesla just like the human Tesla drivers do and that’s not good enough.

just like in all cars, the piece of meat at the wheel is legally liable for the car and its inhabitants.  Unlike that, however, Tesla should also be liable in a civil case since blame can be apportioned.

Bad ideas are the best ideas.

Don’t forget the Molon Labe and thin blue line adulterated US flag stickers.

Brothel-slash-EV Charger spot.

Gotta love ‘Murica where we not only have a charge for using a weapon “without intent to kill” but the same asshole is allowed to continue owning weapons of any kind.
I hope the Prius driver sues his estate for everything and his family loses it all.

Even if you line the front of your autonomous delivery assho, er, robot with feather pillows and inflatable sheep, I’m still taking a dive when it hits me and suing your ass off.
Same with your fucking Tesla driving itself through the parking lot, too.

You might need to look at a dolly with bigger wheels, depending on the surface of your driveway, but dollies and a winch mounted solidly to the inner wall of your garage would work. You could use the winch to back the car slowly down the drive till the tow-truck could load it.

That’s just old-school industrial illustration at work. Take one sheet of Canson art paper (blue) and a white pencil, toss in some blank ink pen and a dusting of pastel/chalk and you have a color-matched series of illos. I had a professor who did that exact type of illustration for decades and loved to show just how