
Fieri has been a font of good PR and has produced ass-tonnes of content for Food Network in the last several years. He’s promoted restaurants and the restaurant industry with fund-raisers and donations to local and national org’s and has done yeoman work with supporting firefighters and citizens in the massive

Stay tuned for the “Beat a Tik-Tokker with a tire-iron” challenge, soon.

Good minds think alike. Ish. I did the same idea in reverse so I think we covered it.

Ok, so these sorry bastards got caught defrauding the banks, but why the hell is there no mention of charges related to the damage done to the individuals? Banks are covered by layers of federal insurance and largess but the people whose credit and lives were impacted don’t seem to have any representation in the

So THAT’s where Wert has been all these years...

If’n it ain’t flocked; it ain’t no Batmobile!

Ya beat me to it!
Every rental car is 4wd!

Rental Cars. Any one of them.

He said you have to move the front-shock towers out a bit and build what amounts to frame-rails to mount the motor.
My Dad has an odd sense of humor and it really appealed to him though I think common sense kicked in before he went through with it.

When I was in HS (early-mid 80's) my father and I ran an auto shop in our small farm town in Oklahoma. As usual in these things, an old farmer couldn’t pay upfront for the work we did and instead traded my Dad a 427 engine. We disassembled it and rebuilt it on a stand and it sat in a corner of the shop. About this

We Jalops are everywhere.

That’s what you get for calling a chevy Avalanche a “truck”

I’m sure he had his eye on Texas A&M.  He’d fit right in there with the brownshirts, I’m sure.

Crush the truck with the kid and his parents in the cabin.

Since the only thing the typical meatheaded ‘Murrican simpleton can understand is money let’s make it easy. If you, Officer Meathead, don’t want to be vaccinated to keep your useless ass alive in a pandemic then you are a financial liability to the insurance group that you are part of due to your employment. Since

Well, to be fair, the ad did say “Alive when parked.”

What techno-utopia do you live in? Despite the vending machines at our office all being networked not a one will hesitate a second to take your cash and dispense nothing.

I get pissed when my $1.75 bag of Skittles hangs in the machine.  If it failed to drop my $30 Ribeye I’d be shaking that sucker like Baby Hitler till it gave up the goods.

>>> France was a mistake.