
I...really like it. It looks great outside. It looks great inside. It sounds like it might actually be pretty decent to drive. Sign me up.

This is true, but not always the case. My instructor said that it’s mostly up to the chef preparing the sushi if at a quality restaurant. As such, since it is a matter of opinion, I left it out as it can go either way.

Yes, you are correct. I meant to say seasoning, but didn't realize I'd said spice until I was past the edit window. It had not been said though. 

It's not the grammatical mistake, it's their constant arrogant insistence they're right. You missed an important part of my insult, that being "pretentious". 

Nigiri by definition includes seasoning. Your original point is invalid. The joke you wanted to make at the top is "Mm spiced sashimi" because that would actually be correct, as one does not serve sashimi seasoned generally. But you can continue being a pretentious cunt and thinking you're right. 

Nigiri means grasping or gripping, and is referring to how the rice is shaped by the hand, not the meat. What you’re talking about is sashimi.

You dip nigiri in soy sauce, which is salty. Salt is a spice. The rice in nigiri has vinegar, which is also a seasoning. 

You could fix that up. I hard could it be?

Yes, but none of them are from big name developers that should know better. But, as Bethesda seems to be trending ever farther from the path of consumer grace, I expect we’ll see more fuckery from them in the near future.

Ah, the ambiguous, unprovable “most”.

My pleasure.

Did you actually read what you linked to? It clearly states that it is self supporting. From its inception it was designed to be. It took a while to get to that point, but still. Even in its first years, it only took 10% of its operating expenses from federal aid. How the idea is “false” is more to do with the

If it’s sliding on the rollers, something is broken.

Don’t drive it like a sports car and you’ll be fine. This truck has lived for 20 years and more than five trips around the world without ending up on its roof. 

I invite them to do so.

It would only be Darwinism if they strapped themselves onto the top.

The probe has to come first, otherwise they don’t have the information they need and don’t kniw how far back or how far up the problem goes.

209hp is way more than enough for a 2500lb car. 

Quote from the top post:

Yeahhh, gonna have to pass on this one. The proportions on this are so wrong. Who cares if it’s a one-off. Ugly is ugly.