

Fun fact, cars will run a long ass time without an alternator. The only thing that really taxes the battery is the starter. I drove around for two weeks with my alternator disconnected on a 2000 F150 (my dad replaced the starter solenoid and there's an alternator lead that goes there), and I drove it around for two

True 3D thrust vectoring would include yaw.

Surprisingly enough, there are a lot of examples of planes coming out of significant collisions. There was one I remember a few years ago around where I live, a Bonanza hit a Piper Seminole. The pilot of the Bonanza didn't survive, but the Piper was able to glide down and land safely.

Oh sweet, sweet justice. How I adore you.

To the six people who voted no, please return your Jalop cards.

It was lower than that. There's still a fence in that video.

Oh, yeah, that makes more sense. Odd that they don't do commercial though, having an instrument rating without one is a little on the silly side in itself.

That is strange, because you need to do part of the commercial practical in a complex airplane. I don't know why they'd want to have an SR22, either. They're fiddly and break easily, not what I'd call the best learning airplane.

Holy triple post, Batman!

Well, there is no "advanced avionics" endorsement, and the DA40 satisfies requirements for neither high performance or complex. Realistically, you only need those two to fly anything you're going to have access to until you're in an airliner, or happen to find a pressurized 210 or have access to a tailwheel airplane.

Glad I could be of help. I'm currently at the commercial/instrument stage myself, but I'm still building time through CAP when I can't fly with the school. It's probably the best place you can go, especially as a private pilot without a commercial rating. For just renting the aircraft, our 2007 182T NAVIII with the

I don't think you'll be getting your ATP through an academy. Basically, you get your private. This lets you fly planes without an instructor. Then you get your commercial instrument. This lets you get paid to fly planes, and fly them in the clouds.

The distant future, the year 2000?

A significant amount it can, just because it's not worn in that direction, but it wouldn't be significant. No more than a few revolutions, I would reckon. A push any more than that, and you would no longer be worrying about the condition of your engine more than the condition of the rest of your car.

Being tapped enough to not destroy your car but to move it wouldn't do any damage at all to any mechanical components related to the drivetrain. Bumpstarting a car doesn't damage it. Regular starting a car doesn't damage it. Why would it being nudged a little damage it?

Is it going to be a running, driving concept that's exactly like the one in the game?

You realize this car is not, nor will ever be, a real thing, right?

Your newness is irrelevant, because Kinja is broken as shit.

You can get a bluetooth OBDII adapter and the Torque app for your phone for around $25 all in. Set your phone on the dash and bam, instant HUD.