

My point wasn't designed to counter yours, but more to reaffirm it. The ones mentioned in the above article are of good quality and I like how they work was what I was getting at. And, with all things, you get what you pay for. If you buy a $10 set of ramps from your local wheeler dealer, you're gonna have a bad time.


I've found the Rhino ramps, which are the ones I have, to be of pretty good quality. The plastic is strong, but still able to conform to the surface of my driveway to keep them stable. I've never had an issue, other than they tend to slide if I'm using them on an RWD car.

What exactly is wrong with the ramps? I've found them to be of extreme convenience, as I have a gravel driveway and jackstands aren't stable.

This looks too...drifty.

Yeah. Quite a few less than the F-15, but far more advanced, obviously. I think they had full combat capability, but that's obviously unconfirmed. I think it would have given the F-22 a serious run for its money in a number of fields, for a much lower cost.

There were four of them, but that doesn't make it any less gorgeous.

I think the Berkut (and to be honest, a lot of Russian aircraft) have an elegance that most American airplanes lack. I've always loved the Russian designs, specifically out of Sukhoi and Tupolev, and the odd ducks from Kamov. If I won the big dollars, I think I'd lose a lot of it to old Russian metal.

I think I might have to have one of these, even if it is an "EcoBoost". Badges come off.

That black smoke that comes out the back. We call that "Freedom".

You must've missed the entire point of the article. I recommend going back to try reading it.

I think the Russians got the F-15 beaten.

Because they're always broken and the rear engine was prone to overheating on the ground. That, and I think it's just a generally fiddly airplane. I'd still love to have one, with a turbo and a pair of three blade props.

I limit upload to 10KB/s, and have never shared an entire thing. Also, as long as you're not downloading it within the first 30 seconds (or day) of it being posted, you should be fine for speed. It always takes all my bandwidth.

Meh. Torrents are only bad if you're not careful.


No, that's Shade from the Pirates DLC in 2.

The name Jeep comes from the term "General Purpose", shortened to GP, which would then be spoken jeep. I feel this would be a general purpose vehicle, just one that could be pushed out of an airplane in the form of a box.