
The want is strong with this one. Anyone want to buy my everything?

Manufacturer badges look better anyways. Like they're meant to be there, instead of just kinda being stuck on.

Hmm. Interesting. I think I need to go do some reading.

What frequency did DUGA transmit on? I could hear WWVH in the background, so it must be really close to a multiple of 5MHz.

Because it's something worth knowing about.

Because 60ms is such awful ping.

That's not proof. And the fact that I came on here to say that I should have killed someone when the game didn't let me, that being only one instance of the game being broken, obviously means I suck, too. Just last night, I was in an MBT. I hit an attack helicopter three times with the main gun, watched the rounds

Are you? I've seen no proof of this.

You must be really, really dumb.

I don't even know which plane is which anymore. They certainly haven't made it simple.

One, I play on hardcore, so it shouldn't take anywhere near a mag to kill someone. Two, yes, it's a rough estimation, but still a pretty close one, and I'm pretty good at counting things in quick succession. Three, even if I hit him with 20% of all the rounds I shot (21.5% being my average accuracy), he should be dead

You need to work on your reading comprehension then.

Yeah, sure. Or maybe you could try reading what I wrote.

If by "fine" you mean "not fine at all", then I agree with you completely.

Man, I bet they were. I'm sure Tyler could do a good writeup of some of those stories, maybe you should give him a ring.

It is.

Well, there are a number of survivors that aren't actually airworthy for various reasons, Boeing's is one of them. I'm not exactly sure on what those reasons are, I just know that it can't be flown without a significant investment of dollars.

Neat, I was just up there last week. I'm from down in Eugene, haha. Do you do much flying?

Well, my information must be old, as there are 9 now according to Wikipedia. They don't include the one at McMinnville though for some reason, which I know to be airworthy because I've talked to them about it.

Yeah, Evergreen is a place you need to go if you're an aviation enthusiast. They have an SR-71 with a D-21, which I think has to be their coolest setup. Unfortunately, they're not doing very well financially, as they just sold their Trimotor, and are working on selling the P-38 and one other that I can't remember