Sgt. Hammerclaw

"I was mocked on the internet and all I have to show for it is this stupid fucking sign."

This really looks like a cheap shot from Contract Appliance.

The Browns' plan to rid themselves of their staph has been in the works for years now.

Welcome to Lincoln Financial Field, Proud Home of "The Few!"

Sgt. Hammerclaw: [in a Borat voice] "I'm Piers Morgan!"

I spent countless hours designing and implementing elaborate Choose Your Own Adventure games only to have them washed away with the next Kinja redesign, among other things.





This makes him the only coach in America that actually encourages fore play from his golfers.

I kid because I love, Erg.

Didn't we already give them DUAN?

Nobody did Wake Up Deadspin better.

It's about goddamn time.

He's not Doug Exeter though?

marty conlon

marty conlon