Man... A new 2d metroid would be so, so welcome. Ive missed that style of play so much Ive gone back and played the old ones a few times in the last couple years.
Ok, I'd like to ask a genuine question here:
Is it too much of a hope that we won't get articles on Kotaku that raise one gender on the pedestal, which certainly won't fix gender equality anywhere, but rather just pisses people off?
Love seeing the amount of people at Nintendo's booth. Seemed most people were there for Sony, and Nintendo games, although there was a lot for Sunset Overdrive which i have to admit looks creative for a FPS. Thanks for the Tour!
How do I lay down on my couch with this? Just a table. Might as well set up a desk in front of my TV instead of that thing. Also $200. It's like a board on two soft bricks. Way too expensive.
Except it would be a computer controlled player that has learned...not something you can just toss in and use like an item. So unfair advantage at all.
Nintendo assaulted my mind, my body and my wallet. I am utterly broken.
Night everyone.
Although i'm not a fan of sitting in crowds (when conditions aren't favorable) I have to argue that you're AT E3!! Free stuffs and games just for being there.
My setup: I'll just read the highlights from some site.
If you mean brilliant as in almost putting me to sleep, then yes it was quite brilliant.
My favorite is tomorrow: Cup of coffee, Nintendo Direct, and screaming at the goddamn lag.
Most of those games are multiplatform. It was a pretty average conference. The only one i've been impressed by was Ubisoft's. Pretty disappointing E3 imo.
My setup:
2014 is the year of the Wii U!