Yeah, so Totalbiscuit’s initial tweet was totally rational and reasonable. He didn’t call the game terrible, he simply said it wasn’t for him. The response from the developer was kinda’ out of line.
Yeah, so Totalbiscuit’s initial tweet was totally rational and reasonable. He didn’t call the game terrible, he simply said it wasn’t for him. The response from the developer was kinda’ out of line.
if it takes weeks to get the containers inspected and emptied onto delivery trucks, then it's almost the same as stopping. stores run out of something, and the replacement is sitting in a cargo bin behind 1000 others waiting to be taken care of. anything from overseas (not just toys/games) are affected.
Isn't Sony also suffering from this? But then again, nobody buys the Vita, and the PS4 isn't exactly an item people buy like portable video game systems.
They are still making money—everyone who didn't get one bought a normal system instead.
This one actually makes a bit more sense. They needed space for the additional processing power so they went with micro instead of standard SD.
Absolutely. All those video people do is be annoying. They're using something Nintendo made to make money. They damn well have a right to take a percentage.
Actually they do that right. It's called fair use.
"YouTubers" don't have the right to create derivative content and post it online, let alone make money off of it. Nintendo is being very generous, as they don't have to allow the existence of the videos, let alone allow people to profit from Nintendo's work.
Reviews are different, as a review (which would use less of…
The doors are the best part!
"Unfortunately for Jill, who probably just wants to get on with the whole zombie apocalypse situation, her sweater puppies (I'm sorry, this bosom slang is only going to get worse) are completely non-compliant. Jiggling around like they've been possessed by some kind of demonic spirit, Jill's rather excitable funbags…
Breasts do slightly move independently. Even with a bra. It varies in visibility based on the level of support and the overall size, but unless you've never see a woman in athletics, it's hard to claim it doesn't. No it's not like in 99% of games with boob physics, but the point is that all mass has inertia (Bill Nye…
I played RE religiously in my formative years. I beaten RE1 2 & 3 easily ten times each. I bought a dreamcast for code veronica and only owned that game. I played the RE1 GC remake 4 times through back to back when it came out.
Re5 broke my spirit, and Re6 made me never look back.
You mean to tell me that now that…
People are still pissing their diapers over titties in video games?
it's totally explainable! when media gurus realized tons of people watched let's play videos, they decided that it was more effective than a commercial, so they picked up a youtuber and started promoting him by plastering his name everywhere. and sure enough he got millions of views. today, he gets paid to show games,…
Like with everything else, some people like it and some dont. I think his character is an annoying twat but he sounds like a pretty awesome dude.
I agree. The way Kotaku (and every other major gaming press outlet) handled it was disappointing and atrocious.
There's lots of disappointment to pass around. Not just the group, but how some members of the gaming press/tech industry chose to try and dance around it, including how Intel and Adobe caved to their astroturfing by pulling ads from those sites which did speak out.
Everything outside Nintendo was a disappointment in general, ever since Mario Kart 8 and Hyrule Warriors my U has been getting the love it deserves.