
I feel weird hearing human voices out of a dog.

Is it available to everyone? Yes.

It is easy to learn? Yes.

/Not a game killer.

Why god, why must I be the only one who likes Metroid Other M?

I am offended that you assumed that I will be offended by this :)

"Note: This article contains content some readers might find objectionable. "

There are some really nasty trolls in the clothing industry!

I am not sure how Nintendo giving a little money to content creators is a bad thing. In a few more years, we are going to see ALL youtube videos having their own little related/unrelated ads anyway.

it's fair, they are using nintendo's work to make money, while putting in their own work on top of it.

You know, I agree that LPs in general are of benefit to Nintendo, but as sleazy as it may seem I think Nintendo absolutely has a point. When someone makes an LP off of a Nintendo game and gets paid for it, they are making money off of Nintendo's intellectual property. If Disney can get away with charging daycare

That's not really how it works

Nintendo is 100% in the right here

I'm confused by your comment? Do you mean manga-ish?

Or perhaps, watch the world...fallout.

Dubs are the worst.

Never understood why people would go for dubs, especially when most english dubs are horrible. Somehow reading english text is so difficult. Original audio for the win.

"When you start up a retro game on an old-school console, what you play will typically look antiquated"

You may not realize it, but the sentence you typed was super British.

sad, but why would you want to play a game boy game on touch device anyway? Get a freaking GBA or actual gameboy, they are that expensive or hard to find.

Welp. I can go to bed tonight knowing I can play Candy Crush better than cats.