well aren't men getting together to make games?
well aren't men getting together to make games?
wow that Zoe Quinn isn't even a role model.
this had nothing to do wit the trope? did you even watch the video it was violence against women in the background. meaning women were beating up in side missions and victims and sexualize.
then what's the point in her video?
then how will you know if its a little or not? since some of footage she showed were pretty small. its not really lazy since they have to make games longer and have to make the player interest of playing.
i wonder what will happen if they were women beating up females hookers?
keep fighting for equality.
i use my wiiu and it looks nice.
they report this but not the quinn story?
you don't see that on WiiU.
then that means this article is wrong.
is this article serious? because who cares about the law of physics since Authors are trying to give us a good battle.
they got me into manga more. and i will never rate my favorites. they all thought me a lesson than my teachers.
not really.
you actually think they read this sight?
i had to follow a lot of websites until someone posted one of your articles.
amazing duh kotaku.
so true.