wow! i've played amazing games in there.
wow! i've played amazing games in there.
simply amazing. Link to they aren't that many male characters.
wow! she looks amazing can't wait to play her.
BS and this is why i hate ubisoft and not because they did't add a female in the game.
Link is so amazing way better than any of the characters in the game.
can't wait to use all of them but her.
it's probably a feminist hating on her boyfriend for playing video games.
can't wait to play as stitch and Aladdin.
are there any good cosplay about men being female video game characters?
If Link gets to be a female Then let Zelda be a male! its only fair.
is because PC master race.
i'm getting the wii u version.
No wonder people say PC master race.
another fail from kotaku.
it had to be a sony fanboy.
and sony fanboys wanted this? how pathetic.
wow this video just made me not to mess around with the settings.
I came here to read all the different ways people are going to say "finish Rust first".