Jim DelGreco

I 100% believe these girls who were born as boys identify as female and are trans.

Another Florida might sink story? Bring on the bunny.

My Mom had a 2002 manual AWD in burgundy, gutless and the thing was horrible on gas

People need to leave this poor autistic girl alone and stop using her to fight for their crusade. Adults manipulating children like that is horrible. You should all be ashamed.

While 183 arrests have been made in connection with fires, only 24 people have actually been charged with arson.

Hahahahaha you think a deal that includes “Not trading with anyone not on the Paris Climate Agreement” has a shot in Hell? That’s the funniest thing I’ve heard all week.

Democraps don’t give a rat’s a** about the black community. They don’t have to, and as long as the black vote goes 92% block Democrat, they NEVER WILL. Right now EVERY Democrap is kissing brown butt, legal and not.

Nah fuck these people. You can peacefully protest all you want but the second you get in my way in a public place (street, airport, etc) I’m running you down or kicking you in the teeth. Don’t fucking climb on a plane, I’ll yank you down by the arm and watch you fall to your death and grin the whole time.

Data from the DNA pilot program suggests that 20-30% of those suspected of being “fraudulent families” were in fact unrelated. As long as there is some backup verification process for people who don’t pass DNA tests due to child adoption, why would we take issue with this?

Why aren’t the suing China, which emits more than the US and the EU combined?

I like how they picked 5 developing countries to sue instead of the major developed polluters. Gotta love that rascism! Her parents must be so proud! They raised a proper bigot!

Sure, by that logic let’s ban alcohol too as it kills way, way more innocent people than assault weapons do.  I have a feeling most people won't want to give that up though.

Sorry that analysis is meaningless.  They’re using data from Mother Jones who have intentionally excluded gang and drug related shootings which make up a large fraction of mass shootings.

Mass shootings killed around 300 people last year. Tragedies to be sure, but statistically very rare. You’re more likely to get hit by lightning, literally. You’re much more likely to be killed by a drunk driver.

I read that online, but I believe you have to buy a module to do this, not really a big deal, but then you’re still stuck with a little tank. 2.4 gal is better, but its not like 5-8 would have been too large. It could have been everything the Volt was not: a better EV while maintaining a gas motor.

Actually, it physically has a 2.4gal tank, but is electronically limited to shut off the fuel pump at 1.7gal in order to qualify for the California incentives as an electric vehicle, which have a formula for determining how much of a vehicles range comes from electric alone. It’s a weird limiter, but thankfully it can

I worry about the attitude of “cancel culture” that’s on the other side of this issue amongst forward-thinking liberals. Frequently, a shitty thing someone said in the past will come out and Tumblr users will wildly shout that we should stop consuming any and all things created by the person-who-said-a-bad-thing-once.

Say Damon..Poor people not only need more money, they need to STOP..havin babies. And most need more education. So lookahear, That mantra..needs to be placed early..in childhood by somebody..anybody. If not, one is destined to a life of mediocrity and poorness. I came from the projects. But I had a grandma who kept

The gender neutral term for Latino is Latino. No actual Latino identifies as Latinx. It’s a made up word by non Latinos. Kinda like how people who are not Native American want to change the name of the Washington Redskins, but actual Native Americans could care less.

I’m not here for the bullshit and false equivalences today. You will be dismissed.