Jim DelGreco

nothing is ever good enough for the woke left

You commies were actually about to elect Marianne Williamson.

Shame on gizmodo for continuing to pay you for extemely biased, partisan, leftist, commie, anti-American drivel.

You don’t need a doctor or a politician to tell you that limiting who comes into your country from other infected countries will limit the number of new cases of infected people in your country.

meh, “writer” with TDS pushes glasses up on face and says “well ackshuallly”

lol you’re criticizing the President for calling out 1) China, for eating bats, and 2) europe for their open borders policy which directly contributes to: THE SPREAD OF VIRUSES

Gosh, if only they would be fairly compensated for....”crunch”.

Only Trump has ever done anything for the black community. Mostly, he does things for the American community. But when special circumstances arise, he gets it done.

Only the rich are pushing green new tech. Only those who want to be back under the yoke of the middle east would call for dismantling our energy system when it’s allowed this country to be energy-independent for the first time in history.

Real Americans of every skin color (talking to you, mr. anti-white racist mf Michael DB Wipipo-r-teh-dEVIL Harriot) vote for conservatives because we want to conserve and maintain what we have, not change it into some Venezuela cat-eating sh1thole.


Thank God it’s not an article about f*cking climate change.

Reason #1 why rich white liberals don’t want Bernie and his agenda implemented. Nothing worse for old rich people than to be told by the government that “sorry, you don’t qualify for that heart surgery, but that illegal does. Thanks for paying your 95% tax rate, Karen!”

So you can’t use a plastic bag to hold every single thing that’s 1) made out of plastic 2) wrapped in plastic 3) is worse than plastic ie kale

Highly sexualized ANYBODYS should not be reading to kids.

Guess what, theRacists? NONE of the Democrats give a f*ck about the “black agenda” (I thought we were all Americans, but that’s conservative-think for ya).

Gee, you import and worship a teen activist who screams at Americans while China and India continue raping the planet and you wonder why we don’t place “zomg climate change” at the top of our list of things to worry about.

“enabling” oklol

Stop feeling guilty for being alive. What’s the point of life if you’re constantly flogging yourself? On top of that, the planet doesn’t even know you exist, or care. Stop listening to people who tell you that you’re a problem, or you having kids is a problem, or your lifestyle is a problem.
